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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Can ESEA Renewal Be Bipartisan? - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Can ESEA Renewal Be Bipartisan? - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Yesterday, Obama administration officials made it clear that a) they want reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to happen this year and b) they want it to be bipartisan.
So do key Republicans on the House Education and Labor Committee think that's possible? Back in 2007, the panel attempted to reauthorize the ESEA, whose current version is the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, but never gained much traction.
Sounds like the picture is mixed this time around. Here's a snippet from a statement that Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, the top Republican on the House education committee put out right after the speech:
There is no doubt we need to reform our federal education laws, and Republicans are anxious to enact policies that empower parents, teachers, and communities to provide a quality education for all our nation's students. The President and Education Secretary Duncan have indicated a surprising willingness to take on the education special interests. For too long, unions and advocacy groups have stood in the way of meaningful reform. I am ready to stand alongside this Administration in their efforts to loosen the grip of special interests on our schools and put parents and communities back in control of education.
The statement goes on to chide the administration for its student-loan proposal, which was generally a partisan issue in the House.
And last night, after the speech, I caught up with Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., the top Republican on the subcommittee that oversees K-12 eduction policy. (Along with Kline, he's one of the "Big 8" the administration is meeting with about the bill. Also, he's running for the Senate.)