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Saturday, November 14, 2009

UC plan to raise fees breaks its own rules

UC plan to raise fees breaks its own rules:

"The University of California is expected to raise fees next week for 24 graduate programs in violation of its own policy against boosting prices higher than competing public institutions."

When it meets in Los Angeles next week, UC's governing Board of Regents is likely to raise fees for 44 graduate programs, including the 24 whose in-state fees would exceed the average price of selected degree programs at other public universities.

UC officials are aware of the violation. Instead of maintaining current fee levels, however, they will reconsider their policy - but not until next year.

"We are finding that this aspect of the policy is not workable in the current fiscal environment," said Ricardo Vazquez, a spokesman for the regents. "We intend to conduct a review of the policy in the next year.

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