Big Education Ape: BULLYING 101: OKLA SPI RYAN RASPUTIN WALTERS USING PLAYGROUND TACTICS TO FURTHER HIS POLITICAL CAREER https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/09/bullying-101-okla-spi-ryan-rasputin.html
Big Education Ape: STARVING TEACHERS CHOOSE THE RIGHT GIG JOB TO AVOID GETTING FIRED https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/starving-teachers-choose-right-gig-job.html
Big Education Ape: TOP BANANA: TOP READS THIS WEEK 9-30-23 #tbats #edchat #K12 #learning #edtech #StandUpUAW https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/09/top-banana-top-reads-this-week-9-30-23.html
Big Education Ape: THE BANALITY OF EVIL: TRUMP'S FOLLOWERS AND THE DANGERS OF BLIND OBEDIENCE https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/the-banality-of-evil-trumps-followers.html
Big Education Ape: PHILLY CHARTER SCHOOLS: THE BEYONCE OF EDUCATION OR JUST ANOTHER ONE HIT WONDER https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/philly-charter-schools-beyonce-of.html
Big Education Ape: IDEA CLASH AT COLLEGE: ACADEMIC FREEDOM OF SPEECH VS. STFU MENTALITY https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/idea-clash-at-college-academic-freedom.html
Big Education Ape: THE VIRGINITY COMPLEX: HOW ABSTINENCE ONLY SEX EDUCATION FAILS KIDS https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/the-virginity-complex-how-abstinence.html
Big Education Ape: OHIO EDUCATION: FROM A.B.C.S TO MAGA-ZED - THE ALPHABET SOUP OF CHAOS (AKA FLAMING VOUCHERS) https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/ohio-education-from-abcs-to-maga-zed.html
Big Education Ape: TO AI OR NOT TO AI? THAT IS THE QUESTION AND THE ANSWER IS COMPLICATED https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/to-ai-or-not-to-ai-that-is-question-and.html
Big Education Ape: ULTRA MAGA VS MEGA MAGA VS SANITY: THE HILARIOUS BATTLE OVER THE CARCASS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/10/ultra-maga-vs-mega-maga-vs-sanity.html

Remember the good old days when Ohio public schools were considered some of the best in America? Yeah, me neither. It seems like just yesterday when our state was known for its stellar education system, but now we're no better than those red states that everyone loves to make fun of. How did we get here? Well, it's a long and hilarious story. According to a report from Policy Matters Ohio, our b
MORE SCANDALS CHARTER SCHOOLS THE DODO BIRDS OF SCHOOLS CONTINUE TO LEAVE A NASTY TASTE IN EVERYONE'S MOUTH Another day, another charter school scandal. It seems like every time you turn around, there's another story about how charter schools are screwing over parents, students, and the community at large. And yet, somehow, we're still surprised when we hear about it. It's like watching a horror
Welcome to the Satanic Temple, where we believe in individual liberties, secularism, and the right to not be physically or psychologically abused. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good Satanic ritual every now and then? But in all seriousness, we have launched the Protect Children Project, which aims to provide students with a legal way to exempt themselves from abusive treatment in schoo
OCT 05
Oh, boy! Have you heard the latest news from the Houston Independent School District (HISD)? It's a real doozy, folks! Apparently, there's been a bit of a scandal involving an eighth-grade reading assignment. And let me tell you, it's a doozy! So, here's the lowdown. The assignment in question contained some mature content. We're talking about a passage from none other than the legendary Maya An
TEACHERS PAY PENALTY REACHES RECORD HIGH BILLIONAIRES CELEBRATE DEFUNDING PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND CRUSHING TEACHERS SPIRITS Attention all billionaires! Are you tired of public education being accessible to the masses? Sick of teachers having livable wages and benefits? Well, have no fear, the Billionaires Playbook for Destroying Public Education is here! First on the agenda, defund schools. Why waste
OCT 03
Ohio's education system has become the center of attention, and it's not because they've discovered a new way to teach math that actually makes sense. No, it's because Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has passed a bill that is hell-bent on destroying the public school system. And, let's be honest, who needs an educated populace anyway? Ignorance is bliss, right? The bill, known as HB 33, is part of the sta
It's a tale as old as time: you elect a Karen to the school board, and suddenly you're knee-deep in restraining orders and court appearances. Such is the case with Darbi "Karen" Boddy, a conservative member of the Lakota school board who has caused quite the stir in her short time in office. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But wait, isn't 'Karen' just a derogatory term for entitled white wome
IT YOU AREN'T OUTRAGED YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION THE PROBLEM WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY CHARTER SCHOOL BULLSHIT Charter schools have been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. They've been charged with fraud, embezzlement, mismanagement, and child abuse. And now, to add insult to injury, one of the co-founders of Breakthrough Charter Schools in Cleveland, Ohio has been arrested and c
OCT 02
As we reflect on the events of January 6th, it's easy to label Trump's followers as red-eyed monsters, blindly following their leader into a violent insurrection. But the truth is much more banal and disturbing. These were ordinary Americans, blinded by their own prejudices and empowered by Trump's violent rhetoric. The concept of the banality of evil, coined by philosopher Hannah Arendt (*see b
Ah, Philadelphia charter schools. The topic that's more controversial than a cheesesteak with ketchup. But fear not, dear readers, for I have embarked on a quest to uncover the truth about these elusive institutions. And let me tell you, it's been a wild ride. First off, let's talk about how charter schools work. They receive government funding but are managed privately by nonprofits. It's like
Are college campuses friendlier to liberals than conservatives when it comes to free speech? According to a new poll conducted by the University of Chicago and The Associated Press-NORC Centre for Public Affairs Research, the answer is a resounding "yes." But why is that the case? And how can we ensure that all voices are heard on campus? First, let's address the elephant in the room: political
Okay folks, buckle up because we're about to talk about everyone's favorite subject: sex education! Specifically, we're going to dive into the wacky world of Texas public schools and their partnership with crisis pregnancy centers to teach sex ed. Yes, you read that correctly. The same centers that try to talk women out of getting abortions are now trying to teach our kids about the birds and th
OCT 01
Attention all starving teachers! Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to have a little extra cash to splurge on those overpriced lattes or avocado toast? Well, fear not my fellow educators, for gig work is here to save the day! But wait, before you go signing up to perform on a pornography website like our dear friend Brianna Coppage , let's take a closer look at what gig wo
AI or Artificial Intelligence, as the teachers call it, is a fascinating technology that has taken the world by storm. It has revolutionized the way we live and work, and it has also changed the way students learn. However, there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between how students use AI and how teachers perceive their usage. Let's take a closer look at this hilarious situation. According to
In the wild and wacky world of American politics, where elephants and donkeys roam free, a new battle is brewing within the Republican Party. It's a clash of epic proportions, pitting the Ultra MAGA wing against the Mega MAGA wing, with Sanity Sanity coming in a distant third. And leading the charge for the Ultra MAGA wing is none other than the flamboyant and always entertaining Congressman Mat
SEP 30
In a move that has left Missouri public schools reeling, the Biden Department of Education has sent a charter school startup money bomb to the Opportunity Trust education reform group in St. Louis. With $35.6 million in federal grant money, the Opportunity Trust plans to open 16 charter schools over the next five years, serving an additional 5,000 students. While some may see this as a positive
The world of hip-hop has been rocked by the recent news that Duane "Keffe D" Davis, a former gang leader, has been indicted for the murder of Tupac Shakur. The 1996 drive-by shooting of the rapper has remained one of the most enduring mysteries in music history, with countless theories and speculations surrounding the identity and motive of the shooter. But now, it seems that justice may finally
In a world where money talks and politicians listen, it's no surprise that billionaires have become the new kings of American politics. From Sheldon Adelson to George Soros, these wealthy individuals have the power to sway elections and shape policy with their vast fortunes. But who are the real winners in this game of political chess? The answer might surprise you. First, let's take a look at t
TOP BANANA: TOP READS THIS WEEK 9-30-23 Big Education Ape: BULLYING 101: OKLA SPI RYAN RASPUTIN WALTERS USING PLAYGROUND TACTICS TO FURTHER HIS POLITICAL CAREER https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/09/bullying-101-okla-spi-ryan-rasputin.html Big Education Ape: OKLA MAD MAGA MONK SAYS RED DOESN'T WORK FOR HIM IN OKLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/09/okla-mad-maga-mo