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Saturday, September 30, 2023



In a world where money talks and politicians listen, it's no surprise that billionaires have become the new kings of American politics. From Sheldon Adelson to George Soros, these wealthy individuals have the power to sway elections and shape policy with their vast fortunes. But who are the real winners in this game of political chess? The answer might surprise you.

First, let's take a look at the poster boys for Citizens United corruption: Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. These two conservative justices have been linked to billionaire donors with business before the court, leading over 40 watchdog groups to call for their recusal in cases where conflicts of interest arise. But do they care? Of course not. They deny wrongdoing and reject any calls for them to step down. It's good to be king.

And speaking of kings, let's talk about the 800 to 1000 billionaires who are bidding up elections to suit their personal political views. Thanks to Citizens United, the one who raises the most money wins elections at every level of American government, down to the local election of a dog catcher. It's like a twisted game show where the prize is control over the country. And the losers? Well, that would be all of us.

But don't take our word for it. Check out OpenSecrets, a website dedicated to exposing Citizens United corruption. You'll see a list of the most active billionaires supporting politicians in 2023, based on their political contributions during the 2022 midterm elections. It reads like a who's who of the ultra-wealthy, with Sheldon and Miriam Adelson leading the pack at $308.4 million. And that's just the right-wing donors.

The left-wing donors are no slouches either, with George Soros contributing $128.1 million to political causes in 2022. But it's not just about the money they spend. It's about the influence they wield. In fact, in the 2022 midterm elections, the top 20 billionaire donors spent more money than the entire Democratic National Committee. It's enough to make you wonder who's really running the show.

Of course, some people argue that billionaires are simply expressing their views and that voters are ultimately free to choose who they want to represent them. But when you consider how much money these individuals are pouring into politics, it's hard not to feel like we're all just pawns in their game.

The impact of Citizens United goes beyond just billionaires and their pocketbooks. It has also increased the influence of money in politics, undermined public trust in government, made it more difficult for ordinary citizens to compete for office, given rise to dark money, and increased polarization. But hey, at least we can all agree on one thing: it's a great time to be a billionaire.

So what can we do about it? Well, we could start by calling on Chief Justice John Roberts to force Justices Thomas and Alito to recuse themselves from cases where conflicts of interest arise. We could also push for campaign finance reform that limits the amount of money that can be spent on elections and requires more transparency in political donations.

But let's be real here. The chances of any meaningful change happening in our current political climate are about as likely as a unicorn winning the Kentucky Derby. So instead, let's just sit back and enjoy the show. After all, it's not every day you get to watch billionaires duke it out for control of the country. Who needs reality TV when you've got American politics?

Chief justice urged to make Alito and Thomas step aside in megadonor cases | US supreme court | The Guardian 

Citizens United Endangers Democracy

Does “Dark Money” Endanger Democracy? A New Doc on Citizens United Impact via @YouTube 

The Scheme: Sheldon's Court Capture Speeches via @YouTube 

Just 27 Billionaires Have Spent $90 Million to Buy GOP Congress: Report 

U.S. Billionaires by the Numbers, tracking billionaires' political influence 

American billionaires spent a record $880 million on the U.S. midterm elections 



**Most active billionaires supporting politicians in 2023**

The following is a list of the most active billionaires supporting politicians in 2023, based on their political contributions during the 2022 midterm elections:

**Billionaires supporting right-wing causes:**

  • * **Sheldon and Miriam Adelson:** $308.4 million
  • * **Richard Uihlein:** $67 million
  • * **Ken Griffin:** $66.5 million
  • * **Stephen Schwarzman:** $47.4 million
  • * **Patrick Ryan:** $40.6 million

**Billionaires supporting left-wing causes:**

  • * **George Soros:** $128.1 million
  • * **Sam Bankman-Fried:** $36.5 million
  • * **Michael Bloomberg:** $25.6 million
  • * **Tom Steyer:** $25 million
  • * **Kathryn Taylor:** $25 million

It is important to note that these are just the top donors, and there are many other billionaires who support politicians and causes both on the right and the left.

**How much do these billionaires spend annually?**

The amount of money that these billionaires spend annually on political contributions varies from year to year, depending on the election cycle. However, in recent years, they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars each year. For example, in the 2022 midterm elections, the top 20 billionaire donors spent a combined $880 million.

**Which billionaires support right-wing causes?**

The following billionaires are known to support right-wing causes:

  • * Sheldon and Miriam Adelson
  • * Richard Uihlein
  • * Ken Griffin
  • * Stephen Schwarzman
  • * Patrick Ryan
  • * Charles Koch
  • * David Koch
  • * Peter Thiel
  • * Robert Mercer
  • * Betsy DeVos
  • * Paul Singer

**Which billionaires support left-wing causes?**

The following billionaires are known to support left-wing causes:

  • * George Soros
  • * Sam Bankman-Fried
  • * Michael Bloomberg
  • * Tom Steyer
  • * Kathryn Taylor
  • * Laurene Powell Jobs
  • * Steven Spielberg
  • * Barbra Streisand
  • * Reid Hoffman
  • * Chris Hughes
  • * Pierre Omidyar

It is important to note that not all of these billionaires support all of the same causes. For example, George Soros is a strong supporter of environmental causes, while Michael Bloomberg is a supporter of gun control.

## Deep dive

The influence of billionaires on politics is a complex and controversial issue. Some people argue that billionaires have too much influence over politicians, and that their money can give them an unfair advantage in elections. Others argue that billionaires are simply exercising their right to free speech and political participation.

There is no doubt that billionaires have a significant impact on American politics. In the 2022 midterm elections, the top 20 billionaire donors spent more money than the entire Democratic National Committee. This gives them a great deal of influence over which politicians are elected and what policies are enacted.

Some people worry that the influence of billionaires is undermining democracy. They argue that billionaires are able to buy elections and advance their own interests at the expense of the public good. Others argue that billionaires are simply expressing their views and that the voters are ultimately free to choose who they want to represent them.

The debate over the influence of billionaires on politics is likely to continue for many years to come. It is an important issue to consider, as it raises questions about the role of money in democracy and the equality of representation in our government.

**Most active foundations and PACs supporting politicians in 2023**

The following is a list of the most active foundations and PACs supporting politicians in 2023, based on their political spending during the 2022 midterm elections:

**Foundations supporting right-wing causes:**

  • * **Leonard Leo Institute:** $195 million
  • * **American Action Network:** $123 million
  • * **Club for Growth:** $115 million
  • * **Freedom Partners:** $92 million
  • * **Judicial Crisis Network:** $76 million

**Foundations supporting left-wing causes:**

  • * **Sixteen Thirty Fund:** $410 million
  • * **Demand Justice:** $30 million
  • * **Future Forward USA:** $25 million
  • * **Open Policy Center:** $20 million
  • * **Sixteenth Street PAC:** $15 million

It is important to note that these are just the top donors, and there are many other foundations and PACs that support politicians and causes both on the right and the left.

**How much do these foundations and PACs spend annually?**

The amount of money that these foundations and PACs spend annually on political contributions varies from year to year, depending on the election cycle. However, in recent years, they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars each year. For example, in the 2022 midterm elections, the top 20 foundations and PACs spent a combined $1.8 billion.

**Which foundations and PACs support right-wing causes?**

The following foundations and PACs are known to support right-wing causes:

  • * Leonard Leo Institute
  • * American Action Network
  • * Club for Growth
  • * Freedom Partners
  • * Judicial Crisis Network
  • * Americans for Prosperity
  • * Koch Industries
  • * Heritage Foundation
  • * Cato Institute
  • * Family Research Council
  • * Susan B. Anthony List

**Which foundations and PACs support left-wing causes?**

The following foundations and PACs are known to support left-wing causes:

  • * Sixteen Thirty Fund
  • * Demand Justice
  • * Future Forward USA
  • * Open Policy Center
  • * Sixteen Street PAC
  • * Center for American Progress
  • * Sierra Club
  • * League of Conservation Voters
  • * NARAL Pro-Choice America
  • * Planned Parenthood Action Fund
  • * Emily's List

It is important to note that not all of these foundations and PACs support all of the same causes. For example, the Sixteen Thirty Fund supports a wide range of progressive causes, while Demand Justice is focused on judicial reform.

## Deep dive

The influence of foundations and PACs on politics is a complex and controversial issue. Some people argue that foundations and PACs have too much influence over politicians, and that their money can give them an unfair advantage in elections. Others argue that foundations and PACs are simply exercising their right to free speech and political participation.

There is no doubt that foundations and PACs have a significant impact on American politics. In the 2022 midterm elections, the top 20 foundations and PACs spent more money than the entire Democratic National Committee. This gives them a great deal of influence over which politicians are elected and what policies are enacted.

Some people worry that the influence of foundations and PACs is undermining democracy. They argue that foundations and PACs are able to buy elections and advance their own interests at the expense of the public good. Others argue that foundations and PACs are simply expressing their views and that the voters are ultimately free to choose who they want to represent them.

The debate over the influence of foundations and PACs on politics is likely to continue for many years to come. It is an important issue to consider, as it raises questions about the role of money in democracy and the equality of representation in our government.

## Additional information

In addition to the foundations and PACs listed above, there are many other organizations that support politicians and causes both on the right and the left. Some of these organizations are well-known, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Others are less well-known, but they can still have a significant impact on elections and policy outcomes.

It is also important to note that the influence of foundations and PACs can extend beyond the direct contributions that they make to politicians. For example, some foundations and PACs fund research and advocacy organizations that work to promote their causes. Others fund voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts.

The influence of foundations and PACs on politics is a complex and controversial issue. There is no doubt that they have a significant impact on elections and policy outcomes. However, it is important to remember that they are just one of many factors that influence the political process.

The Citizens United ruling has had a number of negative effects on democracy, including:

  • * **Increased the influence of money in politics:** The Citizens United ruling allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money on independent expenditures, which are communications that are not coordinated with a candidate's campaign. This has led to a dramatic increase in the amount of money spent on elections, and has given wealthy donors and special interest groups a greater say in who gets elected and what policies are enacted.
  • * **Undermined public trust in government:** The Citizens United ruling has eroded public trust in government by creating the perception that the system is rigged in favor of the wealthy and powerful. This has led to voter cynicism and apathy, and has made it more difficult for elected officials to represent the interests of all of their constituents.
  • * **Made it more difficult for ordinary citizens to compete for office:** The increased role of money in politics has made it more difficult for ordinary citizens to compete for office. Candidates who are not able to raise large sums of money are often at a disadvantage, and may be forced to make compromises with special interests in order to win elections.
  • * **Given rise to dark money:** The Citizens United ruling has also led to a rise in dark money, which is spending by groups that are not required to disclose their donors. This makes it difficult to know who is trying to influence elections, and can make it easier for special interests to operate in the shadows.
  • * **Increased polarization:** The Citizens United ruling has contributed to the increasing polarization of American politics. This is because special interest groups are often able to use their money to support candidates and causes that are aligned with their own narrow interests, even if those interests are not in the best interests of the country as a whole.

The Citizens United ruling has had a profound impact on American democracy. It has made it easier for wealthy donors and special interests to influence elections and policy outcomes, and has eroded public trust in government. The ruling has also made it more difficult for ordinary citizens to compete for office and has contributed to the increasing polarization of American politics.

In addition to the negative effects listed above, the Citizens United ruling has also been criticized for:

  • * **Allowing corporations to influence elections as if they were people:** Corporations are not real people, and they should not have the same rights as people when it comes to political participation. The Citizens United ruling gives corporations the ability to influence elections with unlimited amounts of money, which gives them a significant advantage over ordinary citizens.
  • * **Opening the door to foreign interference in elections:** The Citizens United ruling also makes it easier for foreign governments and individuals to influence American elections by funding independent expenditures. This is a serious threat to our democracy, as it could allow foreign actors to interfere in our elections and subvert the will of the American people.

The Citizens United ruling has been a major setback for democracy in the United States. It is important to work to overturn this ruling and to reform our campaign finance system to ensure that all Americans have an equal voice in our democracy.


Political spending of billionaires in the US. Here are some facts based on the web search results:

  • - According to a report by Americans for Tax Fairness, just 27 billionaires have spent $90 million to buy GOP Congress in the 2022 midterm elections². The top donor so far is **Ken Griffin**, who has given more than $28.5 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund and the Senate Leadership Fund, two super PACs that support Republican candidates².
  • - The same report also found that 19 billionaires have contributed $25.8 million to the House Majority PAC and the Senate Majority PAC, two super PACs that support Democratic candidates². The top donor so far is **George Soros**, who has contributed over $128 million to the midterms⁴.
  • - A majority of billionaire contributions to both parties came from the finance and investment sector, which benefits from tax loopholes and low rates². Other industries that were well-represented include cryptocurrency, tech, media, and real estate².
  • - Some of the most politically influential billionaires in the US are **Charles and David Koch**, who have funded conservative and libertarian causes and groups, such as Americans for Prosperity, the Cato Institute, and the Heritage Foundation⁵; **Michael Bloomberg**, who has supported gun control, climate change, and public health initiatives, as well as his own presidential campaign in 2020⁵; **Tom Steyer**, who has advocated for environmental and social justice issues, such as NextGen America and Need to Impeach⁵; **Sheldon Adelson**, who has backed pro-Israel and hawkish foreign policy agendas, as well as Republican candidates like Donald Trump and Mitt Romney⁵; and **Rupert Murdoch**, who owns media outlets like Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Post, which have shaped public opinion and political discourse⁵.

Bing, 9/29/2023

  • (1) Just 27 Billionaires Have Spent $90 Million to Buy GOP Congress: Report.
  • (2) American billionaires spent a record $880 million on the U.S ... - CNBC.
  • (3) Here Are the Most Politically Influential Billionaires in U.S. - NBC News.
  • (4) Meet the 25 wealthiest members of Congress - Business Insider.
  • (5) U.S. Billionaires by the Numbers, tracking billionaires' political ....

Information about the political spending of foundations and PACs in the US. Here are some facts based on the web search results:

  • - A PAC, or political action committee, is a group that collects and spends money to influence elections or legislation¹. There are different types of PACs, such as leadership PACs, super PACs, and foreign-connected PACs¹.
  • - Leadership PACs are established by current or former members of Congress or other prominent political figures to support candidates who share their views or goals². Some examples of leadership PACs with serious financial pull include Majority Cmte PAC, which supports Republican candidates; Eye of the Tiger PAC, which supports conservative candidates; Democracy PAC, which supports progressive candidates; and EMILY's List, which supports left-leaning, female, pro-choice candidates²³.
  • - Super PACs are independent expenditure-only committees that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations, unions, and other groups to advocate for or against candidates or issues¹. Some examples of super PACs with significant spending in the 2020 election cycle include Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC, which support Democratic candidates; Senate Leadership Fund and Congressional Leadership Fund, which support Republican candidates; Club for Growth, which supports conservative and libertarian candidates; and American Bridge 21st Century, which supports progressive and liberal candidates².
  • - Foreign-connected PACs are committees that have foreign nationals as officers or donors, or are affiliated with foreign-owned corporations¹. They can only accept contributions from US citizens or permanent residents, and can only make contributions to federal candidates or parties¹. Some examples of foreign-connected PACs include American Israel Public Affairs Cmte, which supports pro-Israel causes and candidates; Americans for Prosperity, which supports free-market and limited-government causes and candidates; and League of Conservation Voters, which supports environmental causes and candidates².
  • - According to, the top 20 PACs by total raised in the 2021-2022 cycle so far are ActBlue ($2.23 billion), WinRed ($1.18 billion), Senate Majority PAC ($398 million), Senate Leadership Fund ($290 million), Congressional Leadership Fund ($261 million), House Majority PAC ($182 million), Democracy PAC ($181 million), Club for Growth ($109 million), Save America ($109 million), EMILY's List ($102 million), Service Employees International Union ($91 million), Progressive Turnout Project ($84 million), Americans for Prosperity ($79 million), Make America Great Again Inc ($73 million), PIC 2021 Inc ($62 million), ($60 million), League of Conservation Voters ($60 million), American Israel Public Affairs Cmte ($55 million), American Bridge 21st Century ($52 million), and National Assn of Realtors ($46 million)².
  • - The top 20 PACs by total spent in the 2021-2022 cycle so far are ActBlue ($2.24 billion), WinRed ($1.18 billion), Senate Majority PAC ($388 million), Senate Leadership Fund ($291 million), Congressional Leadership Fund ($260 million), House Majority PAC ($182 million), Save America ($122 million), Club for Growth ($119 million), EMILY's List ($103 million), Progressive Turnout Project ($81 million), Service Employees International Union ($80 million), Democracy PAC ($77 million), Senate Conservatives Fund ($76 million), Make America Great Again Inc ($73 million), PIC 2021 Inc ($62 million), ($60 million), League of Conservation Voters ($60 million), American Israel Public Affairs Cmte ($55 million), American Bridge 21st Century ($52 million), and National Assn of Realtors ($46 million)².

Bing, 9/29/2023

  • (1) Top PACs • OpenSecrets.
  • (2) Top PACs • OpenSecrets.
  • (3) What is a PAC? Political Action Committee types, explained. - USA TODAY.
  • (4) Top PACs • OpenSecrets.
  • (5) Many lawmakers' 'leadership PACs' spend more on fundraising than ....
Information about the negative effects of the Citizens United ruling on democracy. Here are some points based on the web search results:
  • - The Citizens United ruling in 2010 allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns, as long as they do not coordinate with candidates or parties¹.
  • - This ruling has led to the rise of super PACs, which are groups that can raise and spend unlimited money from any source, including wealthy individuals, corporations, and foreign entities¹².
  • - Super PACs have increased the influence of big money in elections, creating a system where candidates are more accountable to their donors than to their voters²³.
  • - Super PACs have also contributed to the polarization and gridlock in politics, as they tend to support extreme candidates and agendas that appeal to their ideological base²³.
  • - The Citizens United ruling has also enabled the use of dark money, which is money that is spent by groups that do not disclose their donors or sources¹. Dark money makes it harder for voters to know who is behind the political messages they see and hear, and how they might benefit from the policies they promote²³.
  • - Dark money also undermines the transparency and accountability of the political system, as it allows special interests to secretly influence elections and legislation without facing public scrutiny or legal consequences²³.
  • - The Citizens United ruling has eroded the trust and confidence of the American people in their democracy, as they feel that their voices are drowned out by the wealthy and powerful²³. A recent Pew Research Center poll shows that almost two-thirds of voters who have heard of Citizens United say it is having a negative effect on the 2020 presidential election; of those who have heard a lot about them 78% say the effects of the new campaign finance rules have been negative².
Bing, 9/29/2023
  • (1) 10 Ways Citizens United Endangers Democracy | Demos.
  • (2) Four Years After Citizens United: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
  • (3) The Consequences of 'Citizens United’ - Brennan Center for Justice.
  • (4) 10 Ways Citizens United Endangers Democracy | Demos.