Webinar: Making CEP Work for your District
The California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD) is excited to partner with No Kid Hungry California to co-host a webinar to discuss Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
This webinar will be targeted towards districts that are considering adopting, expanding, or renewing CEP at their school sites. You will hear from a panel of speakers who will provide an overview of CEP participation, discuss the benefits of CEP from the local perspective, and identify some best practices for maximizing your identified student percentage.
Speakers will include:
- Kathy Saile, Director, No Kid Hungry CA
- Lisa Melhouse, Associate Director, CDE NSD
- Gurjeet Barayah, Manager, CDE NSD
- Richard Rochin, Director of Nutrition, Parlier Unified School District
- Stephanie Bruce, Director of Nutrition, Palm Springs Unified School District
Target Audience
The target audience includes local school nutrition professionals, superintendents and school business officials.
Making CEP Work for Your Team and Your Students in SY 2020–21
Thursday, June 18, 2020
2–3:30 p.m. Pacific time
Login Information
This webinar is free. Register for the Making CEP Work for Your Team and Your Students in SY 2020–21 webinar

Tip for Attendees
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Zoom.
- Visit the Zoom test link
- If you experience issues, visit the Zoom Help Center web page
for assistance.
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Gurjeet Barayah, Staff Services Manager II, by phone at 916-445-6775 or by email at gbarayah@cde.ca.gov.
Questions: Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
CNP Complaint Procedures in the CCR
Effective July 1, 2020, Title 5, California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been updated to add Sections 15580–15584. These new sections include state regulations on how the California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division (NSD) will process Child Nutrition Program (CNP) complaints.
With the exception of complaints regarding meal counting and claiming, reimbursable meals, eligibility of child or adult, or use of cafeteria funds and allowable expenses; all program complaints will be referred back to local educational agencies (LEA) for investigation through their Uniform Complaint Procedures process. The NSD will investigate complaints against program operators that are not an LEA.
The CCR Sections 15580–15584 can be found on the California Office of Administrative Law
web page.

Please note: Any complaints alleging discrimination will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for investigation.
Questions: Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609