Writing and Teaching Writing: By Topics

One aspect of blogging that is a recurring pleasant surprise is when an older posts pops up in the daily stats; someone has discovered and shared, and then, it resonates, often in a way it did not when I originally posted it.
Since my primary focus as an educator has been writing, I have accumulated a significant number of posts on being a writer and on teaching writing/composition. Here, I want to catalogue my writing posts by topics in order to make them more accessible to anyone interested. I will also try to update as I write more.
Hope this is useful to writers and teachers of writing.
Accountability, Standards, and High-Stakes Testing of Writing
Being a Writing Teacher
Being a Writer
Citation and Research Papers
Creative Writing
Diagramming Sentences
Direct Instruction
Disciplinary Writing
First-Year Composition
Five-Paragraph Essay
Genre Awareness
LaBrant, Lou
Literary Analysis Essay
Literary Technique Hunt
Public Intellectual (Writing for the Public)
Reading Like a Writer
Teaching English
Writers on Writing
Writing Workshop
Writing and Teaching Writing: By Topics | radical eyes for equity: