California: The Fight for Charter Accountability Is Not Over!

Broad Coalition of Lawmakers, Parents, Educators to Speak Out Monday in Capitol
About 3 Bills Needed to Halt Waste, Fraud and Secrecy in Charter Schools
About 3 Bills Needed to Halt Waste, Fraud and Secrecy in Charter Schools
Media Teleconference on SB 808, AB 1478, AB 1360
Set for Same Time as News Conference: 10 a.m. Monday
Set for Same Time as News Conference: 10 a.m. Monday
SACRAMENTO – In a news conference Monday at the Capitol to demand more public control of taxpayer-funded California charter schools, a broad coalition of state lawmakers, parents, educators and community supporters will speak out about three pending bills that seek to ensure charter school accountability, transparency, and accessibility to all.
Media representatives who can’t attend the 10:00 a.m. news conference in the Capitol can listen to it in a media teleconference, then ask questions on the phone afterwards.
News conference speakers will include state Senator Tony Mendoza, author of SB 808, ensuring that charters could only be authorized by the school district in which they would be located; Assembly Member Reggie Jones-Sawyer, author of AB 1478, requiring charters to comply with the same transparency and accountability laws as traditional public schools; and Assembly Member Rob Bonta, whose AB 1360 would prohibit discriminatory admissions practices and ensure due process in pupil discipline at charter schools.
The three bills are co-sponsored by the California Teachers Association, the California Federation of Teachers and other groups, including, for AB 1360, Alliance for Boys and Men of Color, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), California School Employees Association (CSEA), Public Advocates and Public Counsel, while CSEA is also backing AB 1478.
Other speakers include CTA Board member Terri Jackson, a teacher in the East Bay; Gemma Abels, a CFT Vice President; Oakland parent Kim Davis, who helped found Parents United for Public Schools; Liz Guillen with Public Advocates group; and Alex Caputo-Pearl, president of United Teachers Los Angeles, who will address how the lack of charter regulations is hurting students in the Los Angeles Unified School District, where the school board has endorsed the three bills.
WHAT: News conference and media teleconference with a broad coalition supporting three pending bills to ensure California charter school accountability, transparency, and accessibility for all students.
WHEN and WHERE: News conference is 10:00 a.m. Monday, April 24, in Room 1190 at the Capitol.
TIME: 10:00 a.m. Monday, April 24
CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-888-299-7212
PASSWORD: 4228984
California: The Fight for Charter Accountability Is Not Over! | Diane Ravitch's blog:Big Education Ape: California Charter Schools and REAL Local Control -

Big Education Ape: New Legislative Push for Charter School Accountability | UTLA -