The Secret to Fixing Schools (My Next Bestseller)

I just finished watching a fascinating documentary on Netflix entitled, “The Secret”. The film presented opinion from many speakers of various walks of life, ranging from meta physicists and authors to teachers and pastors. The message was simple:
You are what you think.
In a nutshell, those who think positive thoughts reap positive benefits. The positive energy that emanates from a positive thought is reflective in nature, bringing back to us what we truly desire and focus upon.
Brilliant. As we always knew, prayer works.
I then began to think about my own life. As a public school teacher, now for close to three decades, and as a mom, for at least two of those decades, I couldn’t help but to realize just how important this “Secret” is with regards to our own public schools. It seems so logical.
Just think positive. Teach positive. Believe they can and they will. Period.
It makes total sense. After all, one of the first lessons we were taught as students The Secret to Fixing Schools (My Next Bestseller) | Grassroots Mom: