Defending Public Education in the Era of Privatization – Morning Session

Defending Public Education in the Era of Privatization - Morning Session
Start: April 30, 2017 • 9:15 AM
Gowanus Warehouse• 156 6th Street , Brooklyn, NY 11215
Host Contact Info:

You can sign up for one, two, or three sessions—but if you sign up, please think of it as a commitment and show up. Too small an audience will lessen the impact of what we are trying to do. We also ask that you be present for the duration of the session(s) you sign up for, as we will need to keep the doors closed while filming is in progress.
MORNING SESSION (9:15-12:45)
Linda Lyon
Privatization: Be Careful What You Wish For
Linda Lyon, a retired Air Force colonel, is president-elect of the Arizona School Boards Association and serves on the board of Support Our Schools AZ. She blogs about education at
Jesse Hagopian
The Destruction of the Teaching Profession
Jesse Hagopian is a Seattle-based high school teacher, speaker, and activist. He edits the journal Rethinking Schools and also edited the book More Than a Score: The New Uprising Against High-Stakes Testing.
John Kuhn
A New Paradigm for “Accountability”
John Kuhn is the superintendent of the Perrin-Whitt School District in Texas and author of the book Test and Punish: How the Texas Education Model Gave America Accountability without Equity.
Defending Public Education in the Era of Privatization - Morning Session - Network For Public Education:
Defending Public Education in the Era of Privatization - Morning Session - Network For Public Education: