Corporate childcare looks like an Arby’s. Put in the middle of the worst traffic arteries. But it’s all about the money.

It will be a Learning Experience, for sure.
Now that it is almost summer I will bring my old Schwinn up from the basement and start riding it to the gym.
It is a nice ride along the boulevards until I get to the intersection of Western and Logan. Then it is holy shit! I ride under the expressway were there is no bike lane. With the roar of highway traffic above me, I go up on the little strip of sidewalk, covered in pigeon dung, doing a slalom around the highway pillars until I arrive at one of the busiest, most dangerous intersections on the north side of Chicago.
Rob Horton of Red Cedar Partners LLC, said his team is aiming to finish construction by July and open the facility shortly thereafter.The two-story, 10,900-square-foot facility, catering to children six-weeks to six-years old, will offer a fenced-in rooftop playground, which is mostly the result of limited space.“Having an onsite playground was a requirement of The Leaning Experience so you have to make due with the space you have when your developing in an urban environment,” Horton said in an email.
A fenced-in rooftop playground at the intersection of a major highway artery Corporate childcare looks like an Arby’s. Put in the middle of the worst traffic arteries. But it’s all about the money. | Fred Klonsky: