Trump Budgets More Money to Kill Kids in Yemen Than Educate Kids in USA

Donald Trump apparently would rather kill children in other countries than educate them in ours.
When you make a budget, you betray your priorities.
As Paul Begala said, “The budget is a profoundly moral document. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be.”
So where exactly are Donald Trump’s priorities?
While boosting the military by $54 billion in his 2018 budget, he slashes spending at the U.S. Department of Education by $9.2 billion – the largest cut in the department’s history.
This sad excuse for a man actually proposes that guns and tanks are more important than school children. Perhaps his motto should be “Save the guns! Fuck the children!”
No wonder he obsesses about the size of his hands and literally brags about the size of his genitals on the campaign trial. Can you imagine the infinitesimal pecker you would have to possess to need to brandish phallic pistols instead of taking care of the children in your fucking care!?
What a disgrace!
And moreover, he doesn’t even know how to effectively use the armed forces at his disposal.
Against advice from the military, this pustule with a fake weave authorized a Trump Budgets More Money to Kill Kids in Yemen Than Educate Kids in USA | gadflyonthewallblog: