A local school board election in Park Ridge. Conflicts and convergences.

Disgraced Park Ridge school board member, Dr. Dathan Paterno.
Park Ridge, where I taught for three decades, is having a school board election.
They can. Although the Illinois House is debating the issue as we speak, we Chicagoans still can’t elect our school board.
Why can’t we? I suspect it has something to do with the color of most of our citizens. As a loyal troll of this blog constantly reminds me, I tend to think race is a constant issue in Chicago.
Anyway, back to Park Ridge’s school board election. There are four open seats to be filled by the voters in April.
Park Ridge school board elections have small turnouts. That is why a white racist and misogynist like Dr. Dathan Paterno can get elected. Remember the good doctor? He was forced to resign from the Park Ridge board a few months ago after he tweeted that the millions of women who marched against Trump a day after the inauguration were 300 pound screeching vaginas.
The little town of Park Ridge, Illinois made it to the national press when the story broke.
The story about Paterno’s screeching vagina tweets broke in January. But A local school board election in Park Ridge. Conflicts and convergences. | Fred Klonsky: