The Sunday Times.

This week’s podcast features Bill Iacullo, president the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 143 in conversation about privatization at CPS and progressive political strategists Joanna Klonsky and Brian Sleet. Next week our guests will be Diane Ravitch and Kevin Coval.
It was 1964 and we were walking home from Fairfax High School down Melrose and on a pole was a flyer for Chuck Berry performing at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.
Chuck Berry!
Man, we had to go. We could afford only the cheapest seats in the 3,000 seat theater, but when we got there the place was nearly empty. A few hundred at most. We all moved down to the front and Chuck Berry put on a show with as much energy as if he were playing a full house at the Hollywood Bowl.
And we danced in the aisles.
-Fred Klonsky
Is anyone left at Goldman Sachs?
President Donald Trump has selected yet another Goldman Sachs executive to fill a senior role in his administration, naming the firm’s current managing director, James Donovan, to serve as deputy Treasury secretary.
Donovan would be the sixth member of Trump’s team with ties to Goldman, The Sunday Times. | Fred Klonsky: