It's not too late to opt out & more reasons to do so-- including to protect your child's privacy and deny them the data!

On Tuesday begin three days of state ELA exams for grades 3-8. Last year, about 265,000 NY students in these grades opted out --22% of students statewide. It's not too late to opt your child out now!
See the video below with ten good reasons to opt out, from NYC Opt Out. Check out their website for sample opt out letters you can email to hand to your child's principal and teacher.
See the video below with ten good reasons to opt out, from NYC Opt Out. Check out their website for sample opt out letters you can email to hand to your child's principal and teacher.
Top Ten Reasons To Opt Out from Shoot4Education on Vimeo.
If you're not convinced yet, here are eight more reasons, from teacher/blogger extraordinaire, Peter Greene. Here are even more reasons from NYC teacher and parent Katie Lapham.
Still not convinced? NYSAPE has some excellent fact sheets and refutations of NYSED's talking points, showing how the tests are still overly long, developmentally inappropriate, and essentially flawed, designed to show the majority of the state's students as failing.
As mentioned by several of the links above, denying the data-miners and privacy violators is a top reason to opt out. After nearly three years, New York State Education Department has still not enforced the student data privacy law passed in 2014 after the collapse of inBloom. The outsourcing of students' personal data continues essentially unregulated, with few if any security protections. The Parent Bill of Student Privacy NYC Public School Parents: It's not too late to opt out & more reasons to do so-- including to protect your child's privacy and deny them the data!: