Where Are the Celebrities Supporting Democratic Public Schools?

The Oscars are over and I wonder where the celebrities are when it comes to supporting public schools. Especially when so many dislike President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, you would think at least one movie star would champion democratic public schools.
Hello out there! Hey Hollywood and beyond! All of you who love your old teachers…we need you!
Many movie stars went to public schools and took part in their drama programs. A lot of actors thanked their teachers last night. So where are they in support of their own public schools?
It would be nice if we had some actors and celebrities who backed public schools. Due to their popularity and visibility, their words are powerful and influential.
But most celebrities don’t seem to understand what is happening with school privatization.
Meryl Streep
Like so many people, I admire Meryl Streep. She’s a great actress and seems like a down Where Are the Celebrities Supporting Democratic Public Schools?: