ACT NOW: Reject Betsy DeVos' nomination for Secretary of Education!

We are still reeling from yesterday's events - the day started with families being turned back at our borders and ended with thousands protesting this horrible policy at airports across our country. This is not acceptable and sadly we must keep standing up for families, children, and our nation on many fronts because our work is not done.
Like many of you – I am a mom to amazing kids - and at school, my boys are learning the skills they will need for life – reading, math, science and social studies, and for my deaf child – this is possible because the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which ensures that all children have access to the supports they need to fully participate in public schools.
But after the Senate hearings for Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education, I am seriously worrying about what will become of our nation’s public schools and my kids’ education.
Here’s what’s happening: When Betsy DeVos had her confirmation hearing in the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee and my jaw dropped at her answers. It showed a serious lack of experience and a pay-to-play outlook of the world that belongs no where near our schools. She could not answer basic questions about education policy and declined to commit to protecting funds for public schools. (1) She would not commit enforcing gun-free zones at schools, (2) to enforcing laws designed to prevent and punish sexual assault on college campuses,(3) and to supporting measures that would help ensure that children with disabilities are well-served by our schools.(4)
Honestly, Betsy DeVos in charge of my child’s education scares me. Before the IDEA was passed only 1 in 5 students with disabilities received a public education.(5) We cannot go back to those harmful days. We need to ensure that our Secretary of Education is dedicated to improving our public school system for all children and is qualified and competent to head this essential department.The vast majority of children in this country attend public school. It would be a grave disservice to them – and to families, our economy and our country’s future – for the Senate to confirm Betsy DeVos as United States Secretary of Education.