The Fallacy of Charter School Oversight in L.A.

-California Charter Schools Association (CCSA)

While the CCSA would like the sole focus for the judgment of both of these charters to be their continued academic achievement, the LAUSD has a responsibility to view the entire operation, including finances. ECRCHS’s “financial shenanigans” have been well documented and provide insight into a regulatory system that moves slowly and with very little public accountability. While the Notice to The Fallacy of Charter School Oversight in L.A.:

Carl J. Petersen for LAUSD School Board, District 2 because:
All Kids Are Our Kids!

- The LAUSD School Board needs a parent's perspective. None of the current Board members has a child enrolled in the district.
- One size education does not fit all. The District must provide opportunities to all students, not just those who are college bound. We will fight to block the closure of special education centers and return funding to vocational education.
- Eli Broad's plan to privatize education must be stopped. Unlike Mónica García's campaign, this campaign will not be funded by the charter industry. I will answer to the parents and students of the district, not corporate donors.
March 7, 2017
Carl J. Petersen for LAUSD School Board 2017 (ID# 1384794) -