Open Letter to MA Governor Charlie Baker: No Education Lottery for the Lucky

By Ruth Rodriguez-Fey.
Governor Charlie Baker has intensified his campaign to lift the cap on Charter Schools with the help of his wealthy investors from New York, I am re posting this letter to remind our Governor that his job is to ensure quality public schools for all the children of the Commonwealth, not just the lottery winners. We need to remind him that his job is not to help his wealthy friends get richer at the expense of our children’s future:
Governor Charlie Baker
Massachusetts State House
Office of the Governor
Room 280
Boston, MA 02133
Dear Governor:
The people of the Commonwealth wait for your leadership to protect our most sacred institution, our public schools. We look for your assurance to families that you will use the power to make every public school the quality every child deserves. We have followed your campaign promoting charter schools, while portraying the public schools as failing. The “failing” based solely on a test designed with a 60% failing rate. You have shown disrespect to the thousands of teachers, families and students that have been at the helm of a system that prior to the privatization reforms, enjoyed the admiration of the nation and the world.
Yes, there were challenges educators and students faced; challenges such as, large class size, lack of resources to enhance classroom instruction environment, increased number of children living in poverty, and an array of other social ills. There was also former Governor Mitt Romney unfortunate Unz Initiative that ended Bilingual Education. Most of those charter schools you praised, do not accept English language learners, or students with Special Needs, while the public schools that the Charters take money away from, have to teach every student with less resources. When families and educators begged our legislators to Open Letter to MA Governor Charlie Baker: No Education Lottery for the Lucky - Living in Dialogue: