Educational Malpractice – The Child Manufacturing Process | Creative by Nature
Educational Malpractice – The Child Manufacturing Process | Creative by Nature: Educational Malpractice – The Child Manufacturing Process“Asking kids to meet target on standardized tests is like making them meet a sales quota. Our kids are not commodities.” ~K.L. Nielson In many nations around the world there is a struggle currently going on between two very different paradigms for educating child
AFT’s Weingarten: Malloy budget ‘really horrible’ for education | The CT Mirror
AFT’s Weingarten: Malloy budget ‘really horrible’ for education | The CT Mirror: AFT’s Weingarten: Malloy budget ‘really horrible’ for educationAFT President Randi Weingarten, right, talks with the superintendent of Hartford during a vist to an elementary school in Hartford.Randi Weingarten, the leader of one of the nation's largest labor unions came to an inner-city school in Hartford Thursday to
Obama to nominate John B. King Jr. to officially take the role of education secretary - The Washington Post
Obama to nominate John B. King Jr. to officially take the role of education secretary - The Washington Post: Obama to nominate John B. King Jr. to officially take the role of education secretaryPresident Obama is slated to nominate John B. King Jr. to officially lead the Department of Education, where he has served as acting secretary since the start of the year, according to several people famili
Mad Scientists Take on Education – Save Maine Schools
Mad Scientists Take on Education – Save Maine Schools: Mad Scientists Take on EducationEach year, computer scientists from around the world take part in the International Conference on Machine Learning.Sponsored by groups like Facebook, Microsoft, the National Science Foundation, and Alibaba (the organization responsible for China’s controversial “Sesame Credit” program), ICML showcases the latest
State-run New Orleans School Scores 7.2 on ACT in 2015 (You Read It Right) | deutsch29
State-run New Orleans School Scores 7.2 on ACT in 2015 (You Read It Right) | deutsch29: State-run New Orleans School Scores 7.2 on ACT in 2015 (You Read It Right)In July 2015, Louisiana Superintendent John White had his Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) release this file of 2014-2015 Louisiana ACT 12th Grade Results by district— which he used to advance the message that the state-run Recove
National teachers’ union leader seeks to smother Detroit protests - World Socialist Web Site
National teachers’ union leader seeks to smother Detroit protests - World Socialist Web Site: National teachers’ union leader seeks to smother Detroit protestsRandi Weingarten speaking at a vigil organized by the DFT to suppress the sick-out of teachers in DetroitThere is a concerted effort by the political establishment to smother the growing movement of teachers, parents and students in defense
Maine Governor Paul LePage's Latest Stunt: Naming Himself Education Commissioner - The Atlantic
Maine Governor Paul LePage's Latest Stunt: Naming Himself Education Commissioner - The Atlantic:Maine Governor Paul LePage Names Himself Commissioner of EducationThe move caps a week in which he insulted lawmakers and then tried to play off his racist comments and support for the guillotine as ploys for attention.Paul LePage wears many hats: governor, anti-press crusader, fount of racist innuendo,
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Middle School Families - You Need to Agitate for McCleary
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Middle School Families - You Need to Agitate for McCleary: Middle School Families - You Need to Agitate for McCleary You need to agitate for McCleary because it was the legislature who mandated the 24-credit graduation requirement...with no funding to back it up. From SPS:Dear SPS middle school family,We are sharing information with you about a change that is likel
Do Poor Kids Deserve Lower-Quality Education Than Rich Kids? Evaluating School Privatization
Do Poor Kids Deserve Lower-Quality Education Than Rich Kids? Evaluating School Privatization Proposals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Economic Policy Institute:Do Poor Kids Deserve Lower-Quality Education Than Rich Kids? Evaluating School Privatization Proposals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin During the past year, Wisconsin state legislators debated a series of bills aimed at closing low-performing public sch
CURMUDGUCATION: Risk and Rules: Risk and RulesIn his excellent look at the value of teacher coaches, Peter DeWitt drops this line with an important embedded assumption:In order for coaching to work properly, the school has to have a climate conducive to learning, which means that there needs to be a balance between risk-taking and rule following. A climate conducive to learning has to have a balan
Laura H. Chapman on Gates’ Efforts to “Transform” Teacher Training | deutsch29
Laura H. Chapman on Gates’ Efforts to “Transform” Teacher Training | deutsch29: Laura H. Chapman on Gates’ Efforts to “Transform” Teacher TrainingLaura H. ChapmanAs a complement to this February 10, 2016, guest post by Southeastern Louisiana University professor James Kirylo concerning the pressure on teacher educators to adopt canned teacher education, retired Ohio arts teacher, Laura H. Chapman,
Louisiana Educator: Possible Massive Fraud in New Orleans RSD Charters
Louisiana Educator: Possible Massive Fraud in New Orleans RSD Charters: Possible Massive Fraud in New Orleans RSD Charters Three recent articles by nola.com education investigative reporter Danielle Dreilinger, here, here and here, exposes potential massive fraud in the operation of some RSD New Orleans charter schools.First Dreilinger reported on obvious violations of the open meetings law when
Ohio Charter School Regulation: The Flimflam Continues | janresseger
Ohio Charter School Regulation: The Flimflam Continues | janresseger: Ohio Charter School Regulation: The Flimflam Continues The Ohio state government’s long history of deception in the evaluation of charter schools drags on. We are a super-majority Republican state without normal checks and balances. The legislature, Governor John Kasich, and the state board of education are all in the pocket o
2/11/2016 – State Leaders Need To Back Away From School Takeover Agencies
2/11/2016 – State Leaders Need To Back Away From School Takeover Agencies: State Leaders Need To Back Away From School Takeover Agencies February 11, 2016, 2016 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: Teacher Shortage Fight … How Many Kids Have Lead Poisoning … Republicans Hat School Boards … UN Experts Horrified By US Schools … Schools Suspensions Hurt AchievementTOP STORYWhy State Leaders Need To Back Away From Sch
Schools vs. Elections as Sites for Controversy - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Schools vs. Elections as Sites for Controversy - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Schools vs. Elections as Sites for Controversy Deborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here.Dear Harry and friends,I'm writing this with the New Hampshire primary on TV and my trip to Texas in my foreground. Plus snow. Oh dear, what to pack.The Texas
MA Charter School Fight Heats Up | Schott Foundation for Public Education
MA Charter School Fight Heats Up | Schott Foundation for Public Education: MA Charter School Fight Heats UpMassachusetts is facing a lawsuit that will likely lead to lifting the state’s cap on charter schools, further depriving traditional public schools of funding by allowing a potentially unlimited number of charter schools to develop. To combat this plan, education advocates are trying to demon
Ed Notes Online: The Bernie/Hillary Battle: Commentary from the Left (New Politics) and Mainstream (Politico)
Ed Notes Online: The Bernie/Hillary Battle: Commentary from the Left (New Politics) and Mainstream (Politico): The Bernie/Hillary Battle: Commentary from the Left (New Politics) and Mainstream (Politico)I 'm finally getting revved up to watch the show on both sides of the aisle unfold. I'm starting to balance the still remote possibility Bernie will win the nomination with the electability of a Je
The Ugly “Good Teacher” Discussion Few Are Confronting – the becoming radical
The Ugly “Good Teacher” Discussion Few Are Confronting – the becoming radical: The Ugly “Good Teacher” Discussion Few Are Confronting“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'”Matthew 25:40The gold standard, I think, for thinking about education reform and more narrow concerns such as teacher quality is the
Where Do Presidential Candidates Send Their Own Children to School? - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Where Do Presidential Candidates Send Their Own Children to School? - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Where Do Presidential Candidates Send Their Own Children to School? The presidential candidates may not be talking much about K-12 education these days—but they've all had experience with it. After all, every single one of the candidates, at one time or another attended some kind of school. And so
Let's Teach Children That Politics Isn't Warfare
Putting the People Back in Politics: Putting the People Back in PoliticsFREDERIC J. BROWN VIA GETTY IMAGES In our recent Bridging Differences conversation in Education Week, Deborah Meier points out that schools are ideal places for people to learn how to engage in debate, especially if they are diverse in race and ethnic history.I'd add partisanship. In much of education, Republicans are the &quo
California initiative would shut down charter schools - Watchdog.org
California initiative would shut down charter schools - Watchdog.org: California initiative would shut down charter schoolsAn organization called Voices Against Privatizing Education is working to shut down every charter school in California, calling them discriminatory and unconstitutional. Meanwhile, charters are so popular in the state that they have grown in number from 177 in 1998 to more tha
Charter schools and private schools don’t work without public schools - Winston-Salem Journal: Columnists
Heather Delp: Charter schools and private schools don’t work without public schools - Winston-Salem Journal: Columnists: Heather Delp: Charter schools and private schools don’t work without public schoolsThere is a lot of talk these days comparing charter and private schools to the public education system. That’s fair; everyone benefits from a little healthy competition, and sharing successes can
‘Steps to College’ draws thousands to Mexican Consulate in Sacramento | Vida en el Valle
‘Steps to College’ draws thousands to Mexican Consulate in Sacramento | Vida en el Valle: ‘Steps to College’ draws thousands to Mexican Consulate in SacramentoConsul General of México in Sacramento, Alejandra García Williams, speaks to welcome the education fair/conference 'Steps To College 2016' at the mexican consulate on February 6. HÉCTOR NAVEJAS hnavejas@vidaenelvalle.comSACRAMENTO Mayra Barb
A CPS funding pop quiz | Ben Joravsky on Politics | Chicago Reader
A CPS funding pop quiz | Ben Joravsky on Politics | Chicago Reader: A CPS funding pop quiz Which politician did which of these dastardly things?SUE KWONGWith Mayor Rahm and Governor Rauner both swinging wrecking balls, it's hard to keep track of who's done what damage to Chicago's public schools over the past few days and weeks . . . and months and years. So much damage has already been done.OK, w
State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismgmt & Student Harm
State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm | The Center for Popular Democracy: State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismanagement & Student HarmLow-performing public schools have become a critical battleground between corporate-backed initiatives that remove local control of s
As the the LAUSD charter schools conflict escalates, here’s what you need to know | 89.3 KPCC
As the the LAUSD charter schools conflict escalates, here’s what you need to know | 89.3 KPCC: As the the LAUSD charter schools conflict escalates, here’s what you need to knowTuesday’s L.A. Unified school board meeting was unusual. What made it out of the ordinary, charter school supporters said, is that school district staff is recommending the denial of charter school petitions much more often
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/10/16
CORPORATE ED REFORMTeach for America: Lies, Damned Lies, and Special ContractsTeach for America: Lies, Damned Lies, and Special Contracts: Teach for America: Lies, Damned Lies, and Special ContractsCelebrating its 25th anniversary this past weekend, Teach For America (TFA) marked a milestone. Over the past 25 years, the organization has not only expanded, but also shifted their mission and approac