State-run New Orleans School Scores 7.2 on ACT in 2015 (You Read It Right)

In July 2015, Louisiana Superintendent John White had his Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) release this file of 2014-2015 Louisiana ACT 12th Grade Results by district— which he used to advance the message that the state-run Recovery School District (RSD) in New Orleans had a Class of 2015 ACT composite score of 16.6.
RSD New Orleans’ average ACT composite saw its heyday in 2012, at which point it maxed at a state-advertised 16.8. In 2013, no fanfare for the state-acknowledged drop to 16.3. Then, in 2014, White tried not to release Class of 2014 average ACT scores, but he did so in February 2015– and he listed the RSD New Orleans Class of 2014 average ACT composite as 16.4.
So, while not fabulous, that July 2015 LDOE release of info leading the public to believe that RSD New Orleans’ Class of 2015 had at least recouped another two-tenths of a point from 2014 at least showed the average was headed in the right direction.
In that July 2015 release, White also listed the Class of 2015 average state ACT composite as 19.4– allegedly up two-tenths of a point from 2014.
According to 2014-15 school and district report cards, which were released in October 2015, the RSD New Orleans average ACT composite was not the July-advertised 16.6 but instead, 15.6.
And the two-tenths of state “improvement”?
According to the 2014-15 school and district report cards, it didn’t happen. State State-run New Orleans School Scores 7.2 on ACT in 2015 (You Read It Right) | deutsch29: