Rainier Prep charter school is anticipating funding from the state as they continue

I’m not sure where this idea is coming from, yet, but Rainier Beach Prep charter school in the Highline School District is anticipating state funding from the state of Washington to reimburse their expenses as they move forward as a charter school.
It is apparent at this time that OSPI is doing everything they can to keep charter schools open in our state and ensure their funding, see The Mary Walker School District rescinds their request for charter schools in the Seattle Public School District and The charter school shell game in Washington State: Money laundering at its best (or worst?) by way of OSPI, and this appears to be the proof.
To follow are board meeting minutes from a Rainier Prep charter school board meeting in October of 2015, one month after the Supreme Court decided that charter schools are unconstitutional in the state of Washington.
10211 12th Ave S Seattle, WA 98168
Andy Jassy, Chair Max Silverman, Vice-Chair Joan Hsiao, Treasurer Lynn Engel, Secretary
Location: 10211 S. 12th Ave., Seattle, WA
In Attendance:
Board members
Andy Jassy, Max Silverman, Bob Kimball, Peter Orser, Joan Hsiao and Lynn Engel.
Maggie O’Sullivan and Nicole O’Rourke.
Counsel for Rainier Prep, Ralph Palumbo.
Washington State Charter Commission employees Joshua Halsey and Colin Pippin-Timco.
Meeting Called to Order:
Mr. Jassy called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Mr. Jassy presented the agenda, which was approved by the Board. Minutes for September 10, 2015 meeting: The draft minutes for the September 10, 2015 board meeting were reviewed. Mr. Orser moved to approve the minutes; Ms. Hsiao seconded; the Board unanimously approved.
School Leader Report: Ms. O’Sullivan reported on the mission specific school goal with Rainier Prep charter school is anticipating funding from the state as they continue | Seattle Education: