Conservative activist James O’Keefe targets Common Core with new hidden-camera video

Conservative activist James O’Keefe has targeted Common Core with a newvideo that purports to show that companies embraced the academic standards for their profit-making potential. It shows a woman identified as a textbook publishing employee saying that she “hates kids” and that aligning academic standards is “what they have to do to sell the books.”
“You don’t think that educational publishing companies are in it for the kids, do you?” the employee, identified as Dianne Barrow, an account manager for the publishing company Houghton-Mifflin, said in the heavily edited video released Tuesday by O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. “No, it’s all about the money.”
A woman who identified herself as Barrow, reached by telephone, told The Washington Post that she was fired Tuesday while at a sales meeting in Orlando. She said she was told she had put the company “in a bad light.”
She said she had not yet seen the video, but after being told about the statements attributed to her, she said they had been taken out of context. “None of those statements were standalone statements, and they were completely misconstrued,” she said.
Barrow, who said she began her career as a teacher, said she believes that Common Core is a good thing for children because it creates consistent Conservative activist James O’Keefe targets Common Core with new hidden-camera video - The Washington Post: