ALERT: Malloy’s Budget Cuts lead to another 23% Tuition Increase at UConn

As a result of Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy’s unrelenting attack on Connecticut’s public institutions of higher education, the University of Connecticut Board Of Trustees will be voting at their next meeting to raise tuition by as much as 23 percent for Connecticut students.
Despite what will be another massive “tax” increase on Connecticut middle class families who are trying to ensure that their children get a college education, the additional tuition funds will not be enough to prevent equally appalling program cuts at UConn.
The new tuition increase comes in addition to the 25 percent jump in tuition and fees that UConn adopted four years ago. The earlier tuition increase was required to balance UConn’s budget in response to the record cuts Malloy proposed during his first year in office.
Connecticut’s failure to properly fund its public colleges and universities means that the cost of tuition at the University of Connecticut will have increased by more than $6,000 during Malloy’s tenure, an increase of nearly 50 percent.
As the Hartford Courant is reporting, faced with a $40 million deficit due to the decline in state support, UConn officials are submitting a proposal that would implement a series of tuition increases beginning with a 6.6 percent increase in 2016, and averaging about 7 percent for each of the next three years.
As the Courant explains;
“A key issue for the university has been the state’s shrinking share of the university’s costs. The state’s block grants have grown in recent years, butALERT: Malloy’s Budget Cuts lead to another 23% Tuition Increase at UConn - Wait What?: