Where’s Recess in the ESEA Reauthorization?

We are losing a lot in terms of kids’ innovativeness and creativity. Frankly, I am worried about the next generation. Olga Jarrett, professor and recess advocate, Georgia State University
While there has been some good news on the recess front, every single public school needs to offer several recess breaks each day to children. How many children are still denied recess?
I know of schools that removed playground equipment. The school near where I used to live was built without a playground. Have those schools suddenly added swing sets and slides? Does every public elementary school now include recess breaks during the school day? Middle schools should have recess too.
Isn’t this an issue that should be addressed in the Elementary and Secondary Achievement Act (ESEA) reauthorization?
Here is a state rundown. See where your state stands on recess. If it isn’t seen as important at the state level, the local school districts won’t be inclined to touch it. They will be too busy focusing on repetitive testing and practice testing and concerned they won’t measure up on the test.
Recess should be addressed in the ESEA reauthorization!
If you think testing and test prep and all the things tied to getting students to raise test Where’s Recess in the ESEA Reauthorization?: