Equity vs Equality

We keep dipping into this discussion, so let's dive into it.
I hear and read people using the words "Equitable" or "Equity" as if they were synonymous with "Equal" and "Equality". I continue to see these words used as if they were interchangeable. They are not synonyms. They are not interchangeable. They are, in fact, opposites.
Equality means providing each with the same.
Equity is providing each with what they need or deserve.
Since everyone needs or deserves something different, equity means providing each with something different, which is the opposite of providing each with the same.
Sometimes our goal is equality and sometimes our goal is equity. It is important that we know which we are working towards. Equal is an appropriate goal when things are standardized. Equity is the appropriate goal when we are presented with a diverse set of circumstances.
Sometimes it's a matter of perception. When you mow the lawn you cut a different amount off of each blade of grass (equity in the amount cut) to make them all the same height (equality in the amount left).
Since education is such a personal thing and student needs are driven by such a mind-boggling array of different influences, there is almost no way that, Seattle Schools Community Forum: Equity vs Equality: