Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association
Docket No. | Op. Below | Argument | Opinion | Vote | Author | Term |
14-915 | 9th Cir. | Jan 11, 2016 | TBD | TBD | TBD | OT 2015 |
Issue: (1) Whether Abood v. Detroit Board of Education should be overruled and public-sector “agency shop” arrangements invalidated under the First Amendment; and (2) whether it violates the First Amendment to require that public employees affirmatively object to subsidizing nonchargeable speech by public-sector unions, rather than requiring that employees affirmatively consent to subsidizing such speech.
SCOTUSblog Coverage
- SCOTUS for law students: Who speaks for Illinois? (Stephen Wermiel)
- Symposium: Another battle in the war over union fees (Charlotte Garden)
- Symposium: Correcting the “historical accident” of opt-out requirements (David Rivkin and Andrew Grossman)
- Symposium: The Friedrichs petition should be dismissed (Catherine Fisk)
- Symposium: Will the Court continue to recognize a distinction between bargaining with government and lobbying the government? (Bill Messenger)
- Symposium: Public-sector unions, labor relations, and free speech (Ann Hodges)
- Symposium: Overrule Abood to protect individual rights (Deborah La Fetra)
- New challenge to public employee unions, made simple (Lyle Denniston)
- A new look at race and politics in redistricting (Lyle Denniston)
- New threat to public employee unionism (Lyle Denniston)
- Petition of the day (Maureen Johnston)
Date | Proceedings and Orders |