If Thankful for Teachers, Return Trust to Them

How much trust do parents place in their child’s teacher? Maybe more than you think.
The BATS were celebrating Thanksgiving this week with Thank You tweets about teachers and other school personnel. As a nation, I hope we can return to the time when we trusted teachers to be the good and decent professionals they are and quit trying to replace them with computers and/or temporary novices.
I am thinking about this today as I start gearing up for Thanksgiving.
Every year, if I am to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, I take out my Watson and Edge—Tears of Joy CD. The music is lighthearted and autumn-like and it makes for the perfect sound in the background as I try to concentrate on recipes. I play it over-and-over just before, and then on the big day after the Macy’s Parade, and the Best in Show Doggie contest…if I don’t drive anyone crazy with it.
My husband stumbled upon these two musicians years ago as they were performing in a public square in Chicago. He was surprised to see that as they performed, they had a If Thankful for Teachers, Return Trust to Them: