Ask #SpeakerRyan and #SenatorAlexander About ‘Guardrails’ in #ESEA

If it quacks like a duck it’s still a duck. Federal involvement is still present in the rewrite from the Conference Committee and should be opposed by those concerned about Common Core State Standards. Carrots and sticks still rule the day and authentic state direction/development must be approved by the Federal Government.
From Negotiators Come to Agreement on Revising No Child Left Behind Law and the language which explains McCluskey’s tweet:
But the secretary of education cannot dictate how states rate schools or what weight they give to measures like test scores in such ratings. The agreement also prohibits the education secretary from mandating academic standards such as the Common Core, guidelines that have prompted enormous political backlash.States are required only to set “challenging” academic standards that will prepare students to enter universities or career and technical colleges.
Just like the 15% of standards states were allowed to insert in Common Core State Standards, states will be allowed 49% of accountability measures to determine an effective school. From House, Senate ESEA Compromise Sails Through Conference Committee:
And it goes further on accountability than either the House or Senate bills to overhaul the ESEA. Academic factors—such as test scores, graduation rates, and English-language proficiency—would have to make up at least 51 percent of a school’s rating.The other 49 percent would be up to states, and could include things like parent engagement, teacher engagement, college readiness, and school climate. (You can find accountability language here. The agreement is still being written into legislation, but there aren’t substantive changes to this proposal. We’ll flesh out with further details as we get a better understanding of the implications here and how “guardrails” would work.)
“Guardrails” = Requirements and Requirements = Mandates and Mandates = Carrots & Sticks. Can’t wait for those further details of the implicationsof the guardrails.Ask #SpeakerRyan and #SenatorAlexander About ‘Guardrails’ in #ESEA » Missouri Education Watchdog: