Dumb and Dumber: Killing the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Under an elected Superintendent of Public Instruction, Wisconsin public schools are now subject to:
- Act 10-Banning the human right of collective bargaining.
- An almost unlimited increase in the use of voucher money to fund private education.
- For profit Charter School expansion.
- Accelerated Accountability to fuel the “failing Public schools” narrative.
- Using student test scores to evaluate teachers (This practice has been dismissed as “junk science”).
- Legalized public school take overs.
- The ability to dismiss the authority of locally elected school boards in “failing” districts.
- Excessive cuts to public school spending.
Anything I missed?
This is why I’m so confused over Wisconsin republicans’ desire to either eliminate the Dumb and Dumber: Killing the Superintendent of Public Instruction. | BustED Pencils: