National Union Leader Says 'Demonization' Of Teachers At Heart of Kansas's Struggles | KCUR
National Union Leader Says 'Demonization' Of Teachers At Heart of Kansas's Struggles | KCUR: National Union Leader Says 'Demonization' Of Teachers At Heart of Kansas's StrugglesFor the past seven years, Randi Weingarten has led the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers' unions in the United States. In an interview with KCUR, she discussed what may be behind the persistent te
CURMUDGUCATION: Career Ready: Career ReadyToday, as I do every year, I took a half of a professional day to take to of my yearbook staffers up to the county Tech Center-- what we used to call a vocational-technical school.Our county's version is a shared school, shared and supported by several different school districts in the area. The school has its own staff and administration, and oversight is
UNESCO: Most Nations Fail Gender Parity Goal for Education - ABC News
UNESCO: Most Nations Fail Gender Parity Goal for Education - ABC News: UNESCO: Most Nations Fail Gender Parity Goal for EducationMore than half of the world's countries have failed to achieve gender parity in education for girls in primary and secondary schools, according to a new U.N. report.The document released Friday by the U.N.'s cultural agency UNESCO focused on the evolution of education fo
Retiring Chicago Principal Takes On Charter Schools, Teacher Layoffs, and Rahm Emanuel | Nonprofit Quarterly
Retiring Chicago Principal Takes On Charter Schools, Teacher Layoffs, and Rahm Emanuel | Nonprofit Quarterly: Retiring Chicago Principal Takes On Charter Schools, Teacher Layoffs, and Rahm EmanuelThe essence of an effective civil society in the U.S. is so much more than people working in 501(c)(3) organizations. It also takes individuals of courage willing to stand up to institutions of power and
In teaching versus testing, teaching must win
In teaching versus testing, teaching must win: In teaching versus testing, teaching must winIn the continuing debate over teaching versus testing, new State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Brian Whiston, and the Michigan Department of Education recently came down firmly on the side of teaching.Responding to calls from those on the front lines of public education, Whiston and MDE reduced stud
AFT Issues Groundbreaking Report on Racial Equity | American Federation of Teachers
AFT Issues Groundbreaking Report on Racial Equity | American Federation of Teachers: AFT Issues Groundbreaking Report on Racial EquityWASHINGTON—Leaders and members of the American Federation of Teachers have spent the past year having blunt, tough, uncomfortable, but courageous conversations about how to address the lingering effects of racism and inequity in our nation—especially related to blac
for the love of learning: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
for the love of learning: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Sexual Orientation and Gender IdentityI listened to Dr. Kristopher Wells who is an Assisstant Professor and Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS) University of Alberta. He spoke about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Canadian Schools. You can follow Kristopher on Twitter here.Here is some of what I lear
Jersey Jazzman: Who Tanked @campbell_brown's Education Forum? Campbell Brown.
Jersey Jazzman: Who Tanked @campbell_brown's Education Forum? Campbell Brown.: Who Tanked @campbell_brown's Education Forum? Campbell Brown. Perpetual pearl-clutcher Campbell Brown gets very, very cross when she doesn't get exactly what she wants:Democratic presidential candidates are blowing off an education forum that anchorwoman-turned-activist Campbell Brown was expected to host in Iowa this m
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: This goes way beyond Byrd-Bennett
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: This goes way beyond Byrd-Bennett: This goes way beyond Byrd-BennettThe Sun-Times lays it out perfectly:Consider this sequence of events:In October 2012, Byrd-Bennett was hand-picked by Mayor Rahm Emanuel to be CEO of the public schools. Byrd-Bennett’s appointment was approved by Mayor Emanuel’s hand-picked school board. On the same day the mayor’s hand-picked board
Why Columbus Day Should Be A Front In The Progressive Fight For Public Education | The Progressive
Why Columbus Day Should Be A Front In The Progressive Fight For Public Education | The Progressive: Why Columbus Day Should Be A Front In The Progressive Fight For Public Education When we progressives turn our attention to the content of the public school curriculum, we often find ourselves engaged in battles over testing and standards or defending science and the Establishment clause of the Firs
VIDEO: 2011: When the Billionaires Bought BESE | deutsch29
VIDEO: 2011: When the Billionaires Bought BESE | deutsch29: VIDEO: 2011: When the Billionaires Bought BESE The 28-minute video near the end of this post, 2011: When the Billionaires Bought BESE, was produced by Louisiana journalist Mike Stagg. Mike StaggIt is the edited-for-television version of his video research on the 2011 state board of education (BESE) elections in Louisiana– a BESE election
Eight K-12 Education Questions Every Candidate Needs to Answer – The Network For Public Education
Eight K-12 Education Questions Every Candidate Needs to Answer – The Network For Public Education: Eight K-12 Education Questions Every Candidate Needs to AnswerEducation Policy Must Be Addressed The subject of K-12 education was given little attention in the 2012 Presidential campaign. Mitt Romney issued a white paper supporting privatization, and President Obama stood behind his Race to the Top
Louisiana’s PARCC-ish Raw Scores Released– with Contradiction | deutsch29
Louisiana’s PARCC-ish Raw Scores Released– with Contradiction | deutsch29: Louisiana’s PARCC-ish Raw Scores Released– with ContradictionOn September 21, 2015, 32 individuals, including two legislators and four state board members, filed a publi records request for the immediate release of Louisiana’s PARCC-styled raw score information.On September 29, 2015, Louisiana superintendent John White made
Beaumont 13-year-old girl opts out of taking STAAR, and sparks o - 12 News
Beaumont 13-year-old girl opts out of taking STAAR, and sparks o - 12 News: Beaumont 13-year-old girl opts out of taking STAAR, and sparks online campaign against the state-required exam12 News BEAUMONT -Alex Trevino has grown up in a creative environment. Her parents Mundo and Aubrey own a tattoo and piercing shop in Beaumont, but the 13-year-old Vincent Middle School student says that creativit
Common Core Testing Fiasco – More evidence the entire scheme is a failure - Wait What?
Common Core Testing Fiasco – More evidence the entire scheme is a failure - Wait What?: Common Core Testing Fiasco – More evidence the entire scheme is a failureThe Corporate Education Reform Industry and its allies like President Obama, Former President George W. Bush, presidential candidate Jeb Bush and governors Andrew Cuomo and Dannel Malloy has repeated claimed that the Common Core, the Commo
Parental Engagement: Crucial Element of Successful Schools
Parental Engagement: Crucial Element of Successful Schools: Parental Engagement: Crucial Element of Successful Schoolsby Daniela Yu and Tim HodgesSTORY HIGHLIGHTSParental engagement is more than involvement and participationOne in five parents are fully engaged with their kids' schoolsKey drivers help schools tap potential to engage parentsAs U.S. students begin another school year, conversations
State: Jersey City decision has 'no bearing' on Newark schools' path | NJ.com
State: Jersey City decision has 'no bearing' on Newark schools' path | NJ.com: State: Jersey City decision has 'no bearing' on Newark schools' pathNEWARK – Mayor Ras Baraka and other city leaders praised the state's decision Wednesday to hand control of Jersey City's schools back to local officials, hoping it might prove a boon to its own hopes for independence.The state, however, cautioned that t
Education Research Report: Charter Researchers Promoting “No Excuses” Schools Republish Inflated Claims
Education Research Report: Charter Researchers Promoting “No Excuses” Schools Republish Inflated Claims: Charter Researchers Promoting “No Excuses” Schools Republish Inflated ClaimsIn December 2014, the “Department of Education Reform” at the University of Arkansas published a meta-analysis of the effects of so-called No Excuses Charter Schools. The report was subsequently reviewed by Professor Je
The Latest: Chicago Public Schools mum on indictment - Houston Chronicle
The Latest: Chicago Public Schools mum on indictment - Houston Chronicle: The Latest: Chicago Public Schools mum on indictmentCHICAGO (AP) — The latest on the indictment of former Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett, following a federal investigation into a $20 million no-bid contract (all times local):3:55 p.m.Officials with Chicago Public Schools have declined to discuss the indictme
Phew! At Least Bill Gates Didn’t Announce Another Big Experiment on Our Children | janresseger
Phew! At Least Bill Gates Didn’t Announce Another Big Experiment on Our Children | janresseger: Phew! At Least Bill Gates Didn’t Announce Another Big Experiment on Our ChildrenBill Gates presented the keynote at the U.S. Education Learning Forum, an event this weekdescribed by Education Week‘s Alyson Klein as “meant to mark the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 15th year playing in the educati
U.S. Public Schools Could Benefit From Less Test-Taking and More Equitable Funding, Says Finnish Educator Pasi Sahlberg - NEA Today
U.S. Public Schools Could Benefit From Less Test-Taking and More Equitable Funding, Says Finnish Educator Pasi Sahlberg - NEA Today: U.S. Public Schools Could Benefit From Less Test-Taking and More Equitable Funding, Says Finnish Educator Pasi SahlbergEducation policymakers in the United States too often stress test-based accountability, privatization, and curriculum standardization over funding e
Why are out-of-state billionaires pouring big money into Louisiana board of education elections? - The Washington Post
Why are out-of-state billionaires pouring big money into Louisiana board of education elections? - The Washington Post: Why are out-of-state billionaires pouring big money into Louisiana board of education elections?For years now we’ve watched school board races around the country attract a lot of money from donors who don’t actually live in the state where the elections are taking place. For exam
Justin Aion: Why Do We Send Kids to School? | A Teacher Like You
Justin Aion: Why Do We Send Kids to School? | A Teacher Like You: Justin Aion: Why Do We Send Kids to School?We need to have a prolonged discussion on the purpose of education. Everyone needs to be part of that conversation -- parents, kids, teachers, administrators, everyone.Teaching for their glory, not ours."In my heart, I've always been a teacher. I have this tendency to explain things to
Education Reforms Are Here to Stay - US News
Education Reforms Are Here to Stay - US News: Education Reforms Are Here to StayLast week, District of Columbia Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson stood in the auditorium of Dunbar High School, the country's first public high school for black students, and delivered some news that the more than 350 teachers, students and parents gathered there are slowly getting used to hearing.For the fourt
Charter School Nonsense: No, Hedge Fund Billionaires Aren't Going to Save All the Children | Alternet
Charter School Nonsense: No, Hedge Fund Billionaires Aren't Going to Save All the Children | Alternet: Charter School Nonsense: No, Hedge Fund Billionaires Aren't Going to Save All the ChildrenA well-funded, professionally orchestrated demonstration of support for privatization.Yesterday was a school day in New York City. Across the city, over one million children were in class.But not the childre
"The Prize" Uncovers Venture Philanthropy At Work in Newark - Living in Dialogue - Linkis.com
"The Prize" Uncovers Venture Philanthropy At Work in Newark - Living in Dialogue - Linkis.com: "The Prize" Uncovers Venture Philanthropy At Work in Newark By John Thompson.When Dale Russakoff conceived of The Prize, she “viewed education reform from a distance but as a movement full of promise.” She was eager to follow the story of Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million matching gift
For one week, some Philly teachers do just their jobs
For one week, some Philly teachers do just their jobs:For one week, some Philly teachers do just their jobsAcross the city, some public-school teachers are making a point: for one week, doing exactly what their contract requires, and nothing more.That means no before-school playground duty, tutoring on lunch breaks, nor waiting with students whose parents are late to pick them up. No buying copier
With millions on the line, schools and city make data deal
With millions on the line, schools and city make data deal: With millions on the line, schools and city make data dealIn a move to reduce tensions over school funding, the Philadelphia School Reform Commission, the district, and City Council signed an agreement Wednesday intended to ensure timely information-sharing and give Council a voice in the district's financial planning.Patterned after a st
In switch, California school nutrition group opposes healthy lunch rules | EdSource
In switch, California school nutrition group opposes healthy lunch rules | EdSource: In switch, California school nutrition group opposes healthy lunch rulesCREDIT: JANE MEREDITH ADAMS/EDSOURCE TODAYStudents in Alameda eating school lunch at Henry Haight Elementary School.A half a cup of a fruit or vegetable is required in every school lunch served in America, under federal regulations now up for
Pearson President Responds to My WP Common Core Dilemma Excerpt | deutsch29
Pearson President Responds to My WP Common Core Dilemma Excerpt | deutsch29: Pearson President Responds to My WP Common Core Dilemma ExcerptCommon Core Dilemma - Who Owns Our Schools? PaperbackIn my book, Common Core Dilemma–Who Owns Schools?, I have a chapter on London-based mega-company, Pearson. On September 23, 2015, Washington Post education writer Valerie Strauss featured an excerpt from tha
Recess in Seattle: How We Won the Right to Play | I AM AN EDUCATOR
Recess in Seattle: How We Won the Right to Play | I AM AN EDUCATOR: Recess in Seattle: How We Won the Right to PlayBy Jesse Hagopian — Originally Published by The ProgressivePhotos by Sarah Lang—It was May of 2014. I had just picked up my son from his wonderful play-based preschool, and, as we headed home, I turned on the radio. Usually, my son would demand that I “turn off the boring news” and pu
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 10/8/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMThe Ongoing Destruction of Public EducationThe Ongoing Destruction of Public Education: The Ongoing Destruction of Public EducationCampbell Brown is just the latest semi-famous rich person to parachute in and tell teachers they're doing it wrong.Campbell Brown used to be an anchor at CNN. Campbell Brown is now married to Dan Senor, the former official prevaricator for the Avigno