GOTTA READ IT! Is New Orleans a preview of Broad's charter expansion plan in LA? - LA School Report
Is New Orleans a preview of Broad's charter expansion plan in LA? - LA School Report:Is New Orleans a preview of Broad’s charter expansion plan in LA?Were it to come to fruition, the Broad Foundation‘s recently announced plan to expand charter schools in LA Unified to include half of all district students would create a system that is unprecedented in size and scope across the United States. LA Un
4LAKids Prop 98 minimum school funding guarantee has jumped almost 32%:
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Prop 98 minimum school funding guarantee has jumped almost 32%: FINAL BUDGET REPORT NOTES BIG SCHOOL SPENDING UPTURN: Prop 98 minimum school funding guarantee has jumped almost 32%: FINAL BUDGET REPORT NOTES BIG SCHOOL SPENDING UPTURNBY TOM CHORNEAU | SI&A CABINET REPORT :: THE ESSENTIAL RESOURCE FOR SUPERINTENDENTS AND THE CABINET HTTP://BIT.LY/1MJ
Meeting is to interview candidates for the 2016-2017 Student Member position for the State Board of Education
November 3, 2015 Screening Committee Notice - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education): Meeting is to interview candidates for the 2016-2017 Student Member position for the State Board of EducationState Board of Education Screening Committee MembersSue Burr, ChairBruce HoladayIlene StrausMichael McFarland, Student Board MemberMeeting Notice:Screening Committee of the State Board of Educatio
‘Sometimes I feel like being a teacher in the public school system is like being in a dysfunctional relationship’ - The Washington Post
‘Sometimes I feel like being a teacher in the public school system is like being in a dysfunctional relationship’ - The Washington Post: ‘Sometimes I feel like being a teacher in the public school system is like being in a dysfunctional relationship’Angie Morales is an elementary school teacher in Florida and a mother of three. She has had high ratings on her evaluations for several years — but ju
Seattle Schools Community Forum: No Praying at School Events
Seattle Schools Community Forum: No Praying at School Events: No Praying at School EventsUpdate: on another football story, Ballard and Roosevelt face off tonight for the City Football Championship. Best of luck to both teams (but I have to say it - go Roughriders!) End of update I had heard about this story and, apparently, Superintendent Dorn had to speak out (see end of thread).Joe Kennedy, th
How a niche Chicago site cracked open a major schools scandal - Columbia Journalism Review
How a niche Chicago site cracked open a major schools scandal - Columbia Journalism Review: How a niche Chicago site cracked open a major schools scandalIn this 2012 file photo, Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett speaks at a news conference. The former CEO was indicted Oct. 8 on corruption charges following a federal investigation into a $20 million no-bid contract. (AP Photo/M. Spenc
High-powered secret panel examining LAUSD finances - LA School Report
High-powered secret panel examining LAUSD finances - LA School Report: High-powered secret panel examining LAUSD financesA blue-ribbon panel of leading figures in education, politics and finance has been working behind the scenes to help LA Unified identify financial challenges and solutions as the district faces budget deficits in the near future.The panel includes people have worked with the dis
Louisville Educators and School Board Work Together to Reduce Testing - NEA Today
Louisville Educators and School Board Work Together to Reduce Testing - NEA Today: Louisville Educators and School Board Work Together to Reduce TestingWhen the Jefferson County Board of Education Kentucky hosted the first of 10 town hall meetings beginning in Louisville back in May, members were looking for feedback on which “big rock” education policies to address over the next five years.“We wa
'Education in Black and White' explores issues from 19th century to now | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
'Education in Black and White' explores issues from 19th century to now | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: 'Education in Black and White' explores issues from 19th century to nowLast week, the Moonstone Arts Center held a three-day festival titled “Education in Black & White” as part of its Hidden History project with panel discussions and presentations focusing on the struggle for African
Students Earning the State Seal of Biliteracy - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education)
Students Earning the State Seal of Biliteracy - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education):State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Reports Increase in Number of Students Earning the State Seal of Biliteracy SACRAMENTO—More high school students graduated with a State Seal of Biliteracy in 2015 than ever before, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today.The program, which California w
EMAIL RESPONSE FROM SENATOR KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing: EMAIL RESPONSE FROM SENATOR KIRSTEN GILLIBRANDDear David,Thank you for contacting me regarding the issue of excessive standardized testing in elementary and secondary education. I share your view that there is much more to education than how well a student performs on a standardized test. We must find a balance be
Billionaires Can’t Teach Our Kids | ITPI | In the Public Interest
Billionaires Can’t Teach Our Kids | ITPI | In the Public Interest: Billionaires Can’t Teach Our KidsLast month, the Los Angeles Times released a terrifying confidential roadmap for privatizing L.A.’s schools that was produced by billionaire Eli Broad. Broad plans to raise and spend $490 million to create enough privately operated charter schools to house half of the city’s public school students.
The ACLU is investigating whether the Oceanside Unified School District unlawfully approved a charter school application. | SanDiegoUnionTribune.com
The ACLU is investigating whether the Oceanside Unified School District unlawfully approved a charter school application. | SanDiegoUnionTribune.com: ACLU says Oceanside unlawfully approved charter schoolOCEANSIDE — The ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties is urging the Oceanside Unified School District to reconsider its decision to allow a performing arts charter school to open on the campus o
State change increases number of low-performing schools | News & Observer
State change increases number of low-performing schools | News & Observer: State change increases number of low-performing schoolsChanges made by North Carolina state legislators in defining low-performing schools have doubled the number of Wake County schools receiving that designation this year.Families at 20 Wake County schools received letters this week notifying them their schools have be
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Chicago's two-tier school system bad for the city.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Chicago's two-tier school system bad for the city.: Chicago's two-tier school system bad for the city.Ald. Pawar (47th)Ald. Ameya Pawar's (47th)got a point. "I think selective enrollment and magnets and [charters] strip the connection between the community and their neighborhood school," Pawar said, adding that in his North Center area there's a "churn
Senate Democrats press education chief to take action against covert for-profit colleges - The Washington Post
Senate Democrats press education chief to take action against covert for-profit colleges - The Washington Post: Senate Democrats press education chief to take action against covert for-profit collegesLawmakers are calling on the Department of Education and the Internal Revenue Service to crack down on for-profit colleges that are converting to nonprofits to evade federal income taxes and regulatio
Oregon Officials Wonder Why Children Act out: Maybe It’s Because…
Oregon Officials Wonder Why Children Act out: Maybe It’s Because…: Oregon Officials Wonder Why Children Act out: Maybe It’s Because…They’ve got behavioral problems in Oregon. Kids throwing tantrums, despondence, and there’s plenty of physical aggression to go around. Officials don’t know why. Their data isn’t helping much–and they can’t figure it out–exactly. They know many of the children live in
As Graduation Rates Rise, a Call to Focus on Nurturing Students - Living in Dialogue
As Graduation Rates Rise, a Call to Focus on Nurturing Students - Living in Dialogue: As Graduation Rates Rise, a Call to Focus on Nurturing StudentsBy John Thompson.The good news is that graduation rates are improving across the nation (see this announcement from a few days ago.) The best news is that social science points the way to even greater progress.Ironically, corporate school reformers, w
Ed Dept. to Schools: You Must Teach All Students, Regardless Of Legal Status
Ed Dept. to Schools: You Must Teach All Students, Regardless Of Legal Status: Ed Dept. to Schools: You Must Teach All Students, Regardless Of Legal StatusA new guide offers pointers on how to educate undocumented students.The Education Department just issued a subtle reminder to educators across the country: Regardless of citizenship or immigration status, all students are legal
Cartoons on School Boards, Superintendents, and Principals | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Cartoons on School Boards, Superintendents, and Principals | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Cartoons on School Boards, Superintendents, and PrincipalsThis monthly cartoon feature looks at those in authority in the 14,000-plus school districts in the U.S. Cartoonists’ pens caricature those in positions of authority–a favorite among those who draw for a living–and reveal both
Wrong School Policies
Wrong School Policies: The Wrong School Policies for Hard Timeshese are hard times in the USA. According to the latest report, 51% of jobs pay $30,000 a year or less. Homelessness is growing in most US cities and families are living doubled and tripled up all over the nation even though foreclosures have left millions of homes empty. Young couples find it hard to purchase a home and many older wor
Schools Matter: Human Disaster Capitalism and Teach for America
Schools Matter: Human Disaster Capitalism and Teach for America: Human Disaster Capitalism and Teach for AmericaDuring the eugenics glory days of the 1920s, American elites who deemed themselves the only citizens fit for democracy argued that, for the Republic to work, a new class of leadership was required to efficiently steer society in directions that the great unwashed herd was incapable of do
Garcetti: Next LA schools superintendent should be in 'Romer mold' | 89.3 KPCC
Garcetti: Next LA schools superintendent should be in 'Romer mold' | 89.3 KPCC: Garcetti: Next LA schools superintendent should be in 'Romer mold'Mayor Eric Garcetti suggested the Los Angeles Unified School District look to the past as it searches for a superintendent for the future.Asked Thursday what he would like to see in the next leader of the country's second largest school district, Garcett
Arthur Camins: Collective Action, Not Competition, Is Necessary for Strong Public Schools | janresseger
Arthur Camins: Collective Action, Not Competition, Is Necessary for Strong Public Schools | janresseger: Arthur Camins: Collective Action, Not Competition, Is Necessary for Strong Public SchoolsArthur Camins, a strong advocate for equitable public education, has published a new commentary, this time mourning the erosion of America’s long valued ideal of educating all children, not merely the child
CURMUDGUCATION: Eva Gets Spanked: Eva Gets SpankedAs recently noted by several fine bloggy outlets, Eva Moskowitz set a new standard in arrogant reckless disregard when defending herself against a John Merrow piece on PBS that outlines some of the less-than-awesome practices of Success Academy.Specifically, she defended herself by breaching the confidentiality of a young student's records at the s
Malloy Campaign’s effort to obstruct justice faces court appearance on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - Wait What?
Malloy Campaign’s effort to obstruct justice faces court appearance on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - Wait What?: Malloy Campaign’s effort to obstruct justice faces court appearance on Tuesday, October 27, 2015In his effort to win re-election to a second term as Connecticut’s governor, Dannel Malloy certified that he would abide by Connecticut’s public financing program. In return for raising $250,0
The Dilemmas Teachers Face in an Era of Campus Shootings and School Violence - The Atlantic
The Dilemmas Teachers Face in an Era of Campus Shootings and School Violence - The Atlantic: When Teachers Fear the Students They Must ProtectThe dilemma educators are facing now that school shootings appear to be happening more frequently in the U.S.I had turned 18 years old two weeks prior to April 20, 1999. I was looking ahead to starting college, to setting out on my own, and to buying a prom
Advice from a Billionaire: Forget Charity, Do Good While Making a Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog
Advice from a Billionaire: Forget Charity, Do Good While Making a Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog: Advice from a Billionaire: Forget Charity, Do Good While Making a ProfitThis is a very interesting interview with Bobby Turner, who is the partner of Andre Agassi in opening new charter schools for profit across the country. He seems to think that destroying public education is a way to perform good wo
Florida Education Hell? : The existential crisis we all should be having - The Washington Post
Teacher: The existential crisis we all should be having - The Washington Post: Teacher: The existential crisis we all should be havingMelissa Halpern is a longtime Palm Beach County teacher and founder of the Florida Professional Teaching Force, an organization that advocates for restored dignity and efficacy in the teaching profession. She recently graduated from the Harvard Graduate School of Ed
Harsh Lesson of Diverse Schools: Minority Kids Learn They’re Being Shortchanged - Yahoo News
Harsh Lesson of Diverse Schools: Minority Kids Learn They’re Being Shortchanged - Yahoo News: Harsh Lesson of Diverse Schools: Minority Kids Learn They’re Being ShortchangedMost families in struggling black or Latino neighborhoods accept the conventional wisdom: A quality education can unlock the door to success for their children. Yet their local public schools are more likely to be separate and
Arizona Charter Schools Criticized in New Report / Public News Service
Arizona Charter Schools Criticized in New Report / Public News Service: Arizona Charter Schools Criticized in New ReportPHOENIX - Arizona charter schools are skating by with too little supervision, according to a report released this week by the Center for Media and Democracy, which advocates for transparency in public life.According to the report, Arizona has 180,000 children in 600 charter schoo
CHARTER SCHOOLS, SEGREGATION AND CIVIL RIGHTS - Los Angeles Sentinel | Los Angeles Sentinel | African-American News
CHARTER SCHOOLS, SEGREGATION AND CIVIL RIGHTS - Los Angeles Sentinel | Los Angeles Sentinel | African-American News: CHARTER SCHOOLS, SEGREGATION AND CIVIL RIGHTSThe current buzz in local educational circles around billionaire Eli Broad and cohorts’ controversial half-billion dollar proposal for 360 new LAUSD charter schools is getting louder. Expanding the debate, a previous column on charter sch
Who might head L.A. Unified, and what are officials looking for in a leader? - LA Times
Who might head L.A. Unified, and what are officials looking for in a leader? - LA Times: Who might head L.A. Unified, and what are officials looking for in a leader? its search for a new superintendent, the Los Angeles Board of Education is out to find that rare leader who can tame political turmoil, manage a multibillion-dollar organization and somehow drive academic achievement upward.But what t
Read All About It, hurricane Eli takes NOLA | San Diego Reader
As U-T faces sale, hurricane Eli takes NOLA | San Diego Reader: As U-T faces sale, hurricane Eli takes NOLAL.A.'s Dem billionaire supreme antes up for Louisiana public school fight"The odds are better than even that there will be a new bid by (Los Angeles billionaire Eli) Broad and associates for Tribune Publishing by year's end," newspaper industry expert Ken Doctor predicted to the Chi
An unusual public fight between a New York charter school network and PBS - The Washington Post
An unusual public fight between a New York charter school network and PBS - The Washington Post: An unusual public fight between a New York charter school network and PBSA rather unusual public fight has erupted over a PBS NewsHour piece by longtime correspondent John Merrow about the Success Academy Charter School network in New York City, which was founded in 2006 by former City Council member E
New York College Prof to Student: Don’t Criticize Common Core | deutsch29
New York College Prof to Student: Don’t Criticize Common Core | deutsch29: New York College Prof to Student: Don’t Criticize Common CoreIn September 2015, I received the following email from a New York student in a graduate-level teacher education program:Dear Ms. Schneider,I am an educator at a school in New York City who was shocked to find a letter from a Professor [name] in my mail box this we
Educators for Sawant! Rally & Fundraiser | Seattle Education
Educators for Sawant! Rally & Fundraiser | Seattle Education: Educators for Sawant! Rally & FundraiserEducators for Sawant!Rally & FundraiserSaturday, Oct. 24; 5:30-7:30 PMLabor Temple – 2800 1st Ave, SeattleNext steps in the fight for high quality education.In the aftermath of September’s historic teacher strike, let’s continue forward with this momentum to fight back against the corp
Report calls for big changes in educating state’s English learners | EdSource
Report calls for big changes in educating state’s English learners | EdSource: Report calls for big changes in educating state’s English learnersResearchers studying a group of California school districts are highly critical of the state’s system for providing services to English language learners in a report released this week.Citing disparities in results and strategies among districts, professo
California's Farm to Preschool Program - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Education (CA Dept of Education)
California's Farm to Preschool Program - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Education (CA Dept of Education): California's Farm to Preschool ProgramThe California Department of Education (CDE) connects Farm to Preschools (F2P) and manages the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) F2P take ACTION Challenge.What is Farm to Preschool?F2P is a growing movement that includes activities that strengthen
NYC Public School Parents: Cease and Desist letter sent today to Eva Moskowitz of Success Charters
NYC Public School Parents: Cease and Desist letter sent today to Eva Moskowitz of Success Charters: Cease and Desist letter sent today to Eva Moskowitz of Success ChartersA FERPA complaint to the US Dept of Education Family Compliance Office will follow soon. Cc: john.merrow@gmail.comViewermail@newshour.orgmgetler@pbs.orgAnn.Powell@successacademies.orgOctober 22, 2015Eva Moskowitz, CEOSuccess Acad
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 10/22/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMEquitable Access to Excellent Educators - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education)Equitable Access to Excellent Educators - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces Federal Approval of California's Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent EducatorsSACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today announced that the U.S. De