California's Farm to Preschool Program
The California Department of Education (CDE) connects Farm to Preschools (F2P) and manages the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) F2P take ACTION Challenge.

What is Farm to Preschool?

F2P is a growing movement that includes activities that strengthen relationships between children in early child care and education settings and healthy, local food.
F2P activities include:
- Purchasing, promoting and serving healthy, local foods in snacks or meals
- Providing educational activities related to agriculture, food, health, or nutrition
- Creating hands-on learning opportunities for children through gardening
California’s CACFP F2P take ACTION Challenge
In October 2015, the CDE Nutrition Services Division (NSD) launched the CACFP F2P take ACTION Challenge (Challenge) for child care centers (CCC) and day care home (DCH) providers participating in California’s CACFP. This F2P Challenge is in partnership with the Child Care Food Program (CCFP) Roundtable CACFP take ACTION Challenge
initiative. CCCs and DCH providers can choose to participate in the F2P Challenge without participating in the CACFP Challenge or they can participate in both Challenges simultaneously. The goal is to increase F2P activities throughout California.

The CACFP F2P take ACTION Challenge is an opportunity for CCCs and DCH providers to commit to implementing F2P program enhancements by August 31, 2016. The CDE will recognize CCCs and DCH providers after completion of the activity(ies) by issuing awards and posting their business name on the CCFP Roundtable Conference
Web page. In order to participate, CCCs and DCH providers will select specific F2P activities (a total of 27 F2P activities) in three areas of focus. For more information, please visit the CACFP F2P take ACTION Challenge, Questions and Answers.

To participate, complete the online CACFP F2P take ACTION Challenge Survey
by August 31, 2016.

Resource Links
Purchasing Local Foods

National Farm to School Network, Farm to Preschool: Getting Started with Local Foods Purchasing
This tip sheet will assist you in determining which local foods to purchase and where to buy them.

This tip sheet will assist you in determining which local foods to purchase and where to buy them.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm to Preschool
This USDA Web page includes a variety of policies, guidance, and resources related to F2P.

This USDA Web page includes a variety of policies, guidance, and resources related to F2P.
USDA, Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs
This guide covers procurement basics, defining local, where to find local products, and the variety of ways schools can purchase locally in accordance with regulations.

This guide covers procurement basics, defining local, where to find local products, and the variety of ways schools can purchase locally in accordance with regulations.
USDA, Financial Management—Child and Adult Care Food Program
This USDA Food and Nutrition Service guidance covers allowable costs in the CACFP.

This USDA Food and Nutrition Service guidance covers allowable costs in the CACFP.
USDA Team Nutrition, Recipes for Healthy Kids—Cookbook for Homes 
This cookbook features kid-approved recipes that are low in fat, sugar, and sodium, and include dark green and orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, and whole grains. (Serving size equals 6.)

This cookbook features kid-approved recipes that are low in fat, sugar, and sodium, and include dark green and orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, and whole grains. (Serving size equals 6.)
USDA Team Nutrition, Recipes for Healthy Kids—Cookbook for Child Care Centers and Schools 
This cookbook features kid-approved recipes that are low in fat, sugar, and sodium, and includes dark green and orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, and whole grains. (Serving size equals 25, 50, or 100.)

This cookbook features kid-approved recipes that are low in fat, sugar, and sodium, and includes dark green and orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, and whole grains. (Serving size equals 25, 50, or 100.)
Garden-based Education and Activities
CDE, Food for Thought
This nutrition education curriculum is designed for child care programs to teach young children (three to five years old) about good nutrition and healthy food choices. The curriculum is structured around five units, namely Fall Fruits and Vegetables, Winter Fruits and Vegetables, Go-Grains, Power up with Proteins, and Spring Snacking.

This nutrition education curriculum is designed for child care programs to teach young children (three to five years old) about good nutrition and healthy food choices. The curriculum is structured around five units, namely Fall Fruits and Vegetables, Winter Fruits and Vegetables, Go-Grains, Power up with Proteins, and Spring Snacking.
CDE, Healthy and Active Preschoolers
This Web page includes a variety of songs to sing with preschoolers that feature fruits and vegetables and a list of storybooks for young children that focus on healthy food.

This Web page includes a variety of songs to sing with preschoolers that feature fruits and vegetables and a list of storybooks for young children that focus on healthy food.
California Department of Public Health, Harvest of the Month
This award-winning initiative features ready-to-go tools and resources that can be used in diverse applications to support healthy eating and daily physical activity.

This award-winning initiative features ready-to-go tools and resources that can be used in diverse applications to support healthy eating and daily physical activity.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Farm to Childcare Curriculum Package 
This curriculum package includes activity ideas and resources for implementing F2P.

This curriculum package includes activity ideas and resources for implementing F2P.
Institute for Child Nutrition (ICN), Visit to the Farmer’s Market—Autumn is for Apples
This activity guide is intended to help child care providers plan a trip to a farmer’s market. It provides helpful ideas for what to do before, during, and after the visit.

This activity guide is intended to help child care providers plan a trip to a farmer’s market. It provides helpful ideas for what to do before, during, and after the visit.
Urban and Environmental Policy Institute, Occidental College, Farm to Preschool Harvest of the Month Curriculum
This curriculum is designed for preschool-age children and features a different fruit or vegetable each month. It teaches children where food comes from and why gardening and locally grown food is so important in our lives.

This curriculum is designed for preschool-age children and features a different fruit or vegetable each month. It teaches children where food comes from and why gardening and locally grown food is so important in our lives.
USDA, Grow It, Try It, Like It Nutrition Education Kit 
This garden-themed nutrition education kit features MyPlate and introduces children to three fruits— peaches, strawberries, and cantaloupe, and three vegetables—spinach, sweet potatoes, and crookneck squash.

This garden-themed nutrition education kit features MyPlate and introduces children to three fruits— peaches, strawberries, and cantaloupe, and three vegetables—spinach, sweet potatoes, and crookneck squash.
Creating Preschool Gardens
California School Garden Network, Steps to a School Garden 
This Web site provides a variety of resources for planning and sustaining a school garden.

This Web site provides a variety of resources for planning and sustaining a school garden.
ICN, Gardening with Children
This four-page handout is No. 4 of the Meal Time Memo series (2010) for child care and focuses on planning an outdoor garden.

This four-page handout is No. 4 of the Meal Time Memo series (2010) for child care and focuses on planning an outdoor garden.
ICN, How Does Your Garden Grow?
This four-page handout is No. 4 of the Meal Time Memo series (2009 and updated in 2013) for child care and focuses on getting the community involved in an outdoor gardening project.

This four-page handout is No. 4 of the Meal Time Memo series (2009 and updated in 2013) for child care and focuses on getting the community involved in an outdoor gardening project.
ICN, Plant an Indoor Garden
This four-page handout is No. 7 in the Meal Time Memo series (2008) and focuses on planting an indoor garden.

This four-page handout is No. 7 in the Meal Time Memo series (2008) and focuses on planting an indoor garden.
Life Lab, Getting Started, A Guide for Creating School Gardens as Outdoor Classrooms
This comprehensive guide addresses all aspects of creating a school garden, from planning and preparing the site to maintaining and managing the garden.

This comprehensive guide addresses all aspects of creating a school garden, from planning and preparing the site to maintaining and managing the garden.
The Garden School Foundation, Southern California Preschool Garden Primer
This primer includes instructions for creating a raised-bed garden, a planting guide for Southern California, garden activities, and recipes.

This primer includes instructions for creating a raised-bed garden, a planting guide for Southern California, garden activities, and recipes.
Finding Farmers and Farmer’s Markets in California
Community Alliance for Family Farmers 
This Web site provides a user-friendly way to find farmers and farmer’s markets near your home or business. Just type in your zip code and the distance you are willing to travel and a list of farms and farmer’s markets with contact information will be displayed.

This Web site provides a user-friendly way to find farmers and farmer’s markets near your home or business. Just type in your zip code and the distance you are willing to travel and a list of farms and farmer’s markets with contact information will be displayed.
California Department of Food and Agriculture, The California Farmer Marketplace 
This Web site features California produce, grains, meats, and other products for sale and is available for individual consumers. The Marketplace offers farmers the opportunity to post products and connect directly with school food service to increase the amount of California grown and produced foods on school lunch trays.

This Web site features California produce, grains, meats, and other products for sale and is available for individual consumers. The Marketplace offers farmers the opportunity to post products and connect directly with school food service to increase the amount of California grown and produced foods on school lunch trays.
Food Safety
University of Massachusetts; University of New Hampshire, Food Safety from Farm and Garden to Preschool 
This free, online training program is designed to improve the understanding of food safety risks related to fresh fruits and vegetables, and reduce the risk of foodborne illness in young children. Each Unit includes videos, interactive activities such as sharing boards, and the creation of best practices planning tools.

This free, online training program is designed to improve the understanding of food safety risks related to fresh fruits and vegetables, and reduce the risk of foodborne illness in young children. Each Unit includes videos, interactive activities such as sharing boards, and the creation of best practices planning tools.
Promoting F2P in the Media
National Farm to School Network, Communication Tool Kit 
This toolkit contains an explanation of this year’s Farm to School Month activities, a sample press release, suggested social media posts and graphics, sample text for newsletters, and ideas and tips for making media pitches.

This toolkit contains an explanation of this year’s Farm to School Month activities, a sample press release, suggested social media posts and graphics, sample text for newsletters, and ideas and tips for making media pitches.
Connecting F2P in California
Community Alliance with Family Farmers; Urban and Environmental Policy Institute, California Farm to School Network
The California Farm to School Network (CFSN) serves as a communications hub and convener across many organizations and regions in the state. The CFSN shares resources and brings farmers, schools, distributors, and practitioners together to support California’s leadership in the Farm to School movement.

The California Farm to School Network (CFSN) serves as a communications hub and convener across many organizations and regions in the state. The CFSN shares resources and brings farmers, schools, distributors, and practitioners together to support California’s leadership in the Farm to School movement.
Questions: Laurie Pennings | | 916-322-3813