Feature Report: 15 Years of Bill Gates’s Meddling

by Carol Burris and Anthony Cody
The Gates Foundation recently marked its fifteen-year anniversary of involvement in education reform. For those of us who view those fifteen years as a decade and a half during which one of the richest men in the world Inserted himself and his fortune into education policy, thus undermining the democratic control of our public schools, there is nothing to celebrate.
The Network for Public Education is marking the 15 years of Gates’s involvement with a two-part, special report on the man and his Foundation.
Part 1, which follows, presents Anthony Cody’s and my reflections on Bill Gates’s recent speech and the Bill and Melinda Gates interview with Gwen Ifill. We provide Anthony’s transcription of the speech and a link to the interview as well.
Our next edition of the NPE newsletter will have a fifteen-year timeline of Bill Gates’s involvement, including short commentaries by NPE members and friends.
Recently, Campbell Brown endorsed the British prime minister’s call to replace British public schools with charter schools called ”academies”. As you listen to Bill and Melinda Gates, you will hear them gush over charters as well.
Make no mistake—their agenda is not the improvement of public schools, but rather their elimination. Do your part to fight back. Share this newsletter and feature report far and wide. Make sure the public understands that the existence of democratically-controlled public schools are at risk.
Part One: 15 Years of Bill Gates’s Meddling
Anthony Cody’s take on Bill Gates’s speech
On October 7th, Bill Gates gave a speech providing a comprehensive review of his Foundation’s K12 education strategy. This arena is their number one domestic priority, and a place where they have invested billions of dollars over the past 15 years. As we approach the end of the Obama administration, which has served as their close ally, we might expect some serious reflection on lessons learned.
The Common Core is struggling along on continual life support from Gates and the US Feature Report: 15 Years of Bill Gates’s Meddling – The Network For Public Education: