“Fund for Louisiana’s Future” is a DC Super PAC Devoted to David Vitter

Edwards, Vitter. WDSU-TV , 10-01-15
Somehow, I have ended up on the email list for “Fund for Louisiana’s Future” (FFLF).
It is a Washington, DC-based Super PAC that supports David Vitter by bashing his opponents.
This PAC apparently produces no ads telling voters why they should vote for Vitter, only ads trying to damage the reputations of anyone running against him.
For the October 24, 2015, Louisiana governor’s race, FFLF paid for ads against Vitter’s Republican competition, Scott Angelle and Jay Dardenne. (For excellent background on FFLF and its ads against Angelle and Dardenne, see this September 14, 2015, post by Louisiana blogger, Cenlamar.)
As might be expected, since Vitter is in a runoff against Democrat John Bel Edwards, FFLF has started running attack ads against Edwards.
That was the purpose of the email that FFLF sent to me today: Nothing to justify voting for Vitter.
However, the great advantage of having FFLF pay for these ads is that FFLF can say that it is “not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.” Thus, FFLF has “Fund for Louisiana’s Future” is a DC Super PAC Devoted to David Vitter | deutsch29: