Links to PAA charter school webinar and slide show

Hi Folks- If you missed our Oct. 25 webinar on the Washington Sate Supreme Court ruling that charter school funding in the state is unconstitutional, you can watch the 45-minute video here and review the full slide show presentation here.
Many thanks to panelists Dr. Wayne Au and the League of Women Voters – WA State’s Catherine Ahl for sharing their expertise with our audience. PAA President Dora Taylor moderated the meeting and shared lots of good information as well.
We learned that Washington State’s constitution is somewhat unique in its definition of “common schools” — that is, schools that are governed by elected, representative boards — which made the ruling possible, since charter schools are run by appointed boards who are not accountable to communities.
The court also agreed with plaintiffs Au and others that charter schools take resources away from democratic public schools, which is also unconstitutional in Washington.
Participants were urged to take a look at their states’ constitutions — with legal assistance, if possible — for language that might leverage a challenge to charter schools in their states.
We also talked about the importance of sharing the message underlined by this court ruling: that charter schools undermine democratic public education.
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