NPE Endorses Lee Barrios for BESE

The Network for Public Education is proud to endorse Lee Barrios for the District 1 seat on the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). “Lee Barrios has been a steadfast champion of better education for all children in Louisiana,” NPE President Diane Ravitch said. “I am so happy that we can endorse her, and we do so enthusiastically!”
Barrios retired from teaching in 2010 and became a full-time advocate, working to protect public education in her home state. Barrios has a long list of qualifications for a seat on BESE. She is a retired National Board Certified Teacher with a Masters Degree in Secondary Education; a founding member of the Coalition for Louisiana Public Education, which represents classroom teachers; the Information Coordinator for Save Our Schools – LA; and she was a founding member of the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy, which worked to expose inBloom around the country.
Her opponent is James Garvey, who is running for his third term on BESE. He is a part of the board majority that supports charter schools, high stakes testing, vouchers, Common Core, VAM, and controversial Louisiana state superintendent John White. Garvey has well over $200,000 in his campaign coffers. Garvey entered the race with almost $160,000 left over from his previous campaign, and another $40,000 has been donated to his current campaign by four Political Action Committees (PACs) formed by the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry. Seehere, here, here, and here.
Barrios is well aware that she is up against powerful, moneyed interests, and has a clear sense of how dangerous market-based education reform is to the cause of public education.
She has made a name for herself in Louisiana by attending countless BESE meetings, and speaking out against policies adopted by the state board that are detrimental to children and to public education. Her advocacy has won her the respect and endorsement of educators and education advocates, such as teacher, researcher, author, and blogger Mercedes Schneider.
Barrios has also earned the endorsement of New Orleans parent advocate Karran Harper Royal.
Barrios has developed pointed platform positions, including returning local control to districts; replacing Common Core standards with Louisiana standards created by educators; appointing a qualified, experience educator as Superintendent; and removing high-stakes from state assessments.
These no nonsense positions resonate with educators, and those actively engaged in the day-to-day work of serving children in Louisiana’s public schools. Neal Hennegan, a school board member in St. Tammany Parish, said, “I know Lee Barrios to be an outstanding and highly effective educator. She is a staunch supporter of high quality public education and I believe she will serve the families of BESE District 1 exceptionally well.”
Louisiana lawmakers engaged in the struggle to preserve and protect public education have also taken note of Barrios’ advocacy work. Louisiana Representative Brett Geymann said:
NPE believes that Lee Barrios has clearly demonstrated her commitment to Louisiana’s public schools, and we hope you will do what you can to support her grassroots campaign. Previous campaigns from coast to coast have proven that pro-public education candidates can defeat connected, well-funded reformsters. Please visit Lee’s website and Facebook page, and donate, volunteer, or just help spread the word about her campaign for the District 1 seat on BESE.NPE Endorses Lee Barrios for BESE – The Network For Public Education: