Class Act
Why a civil rights law suit to lift the charter cap in Massachusetts could turn out to be the worst idea charter proponents have ever had…

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The suit names as defendants the state’s education commissioner, Mitchell D. Chester, the nine members of the state Board of Education, board chair Paul Sagan and Secretary of Education James Peyser. That sound that you just heard, reader, was my fingers laughing whilst typing, a sentiment I think I also detected in this Globestory, which captures the irony that the defendants also happen to be amongst the most prominent proponents of charter schools in the state.
The suit names as defendants the state’s education commissioner, Mitchell D. Chester, the nine members of the state Board of Education, board chair Paul Sagan and Secretary of Education James Peyser. That sound that you just heard, reader, was my fingers laughing whilst typing, a sentiment I think I also detected in this Globestory, which captures the irony that the defendants also happen to be amongst the most prominent proponents of charter schools in the state.
Peyser and Sagan are being targeted because they are responsible for enforcing the charter cap even though they, like Governor Baker, oppose it. Peyser is a nationally known charter school advocate who helped launch the charter school movement in Massachusetts. Sagan is a former chairman ofClass Act | EduShyster: