CURMUDGUCATION: A Voucher By Any Other Name
CURMUDGUCATION: A Voucher By Any Other Name: A Voucher By Any Other NameThe New York legislature is getting ready to look at Education Tax Credits again. I know this because advocates are busy pushing it on twitter, including and most especially the Catholic Schools of New York. "We need your help to pass the education tax credit," they declare.How does a education tax credit work? (Thes
Alliance schools paying alumni to promote anti-UTLA message - LA School Report
Alliance schools paying alumni to promote anti-UTLA message - LA School Report: Alliance schools paying alumni to promote anti-UTLA message*UPDATEDA bitter war of words between the management of Alliance College-Ready Public Schools and UTLA, the union trying to organize its teachers, got nastier today.UTLA accused Alliance management and the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) of “anti
A call to curb expansion of charter schools in Black communities | New Pittsburgh Courier
A call to curb expansion of charter schools in Black communities | New Pittsburgh Courier: A call to curb expansion of charter schools in Black communitiesThe SEED Public Charter School of Washington, a public boarding school for poor and academically at-risk students is shown, Friday, April 24, 2015, in southeast Washington. The idea is for public boarding schools to put round-the-clock attention
The Charter School Miracle that Isn’t—Special Education in NOLA
The Charter School Miracle that Isn’t—Special Education in NOLA: The Charter School Miracle that Isn’t—Special Education in NOLAMAY 27, 2015 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTIt’s segregating kids with disabilities, and letting the charter schools off the hook.—Parent advocate Karran Harper RoyalThe changes happening to schools in New Orleans—the conversion from public to private—has sadly become a p
Sacramento High Council approves budget with 5 additional employees for Mayor Kevin Johnson | The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento City Council approves budget with 5 additional employees for Mayor Kevin Johnson | The Sacramento Bee: Sacramento High Council approves budget with 5 additional employees for Mayor Kevin Johnson The Sacramento City Council gave initial approval Tuesday to a budget that costs nearly $7 million more than the spending plan proposed by the city manager and includes five additional employees
Educating. All Our Children
Educating. All Our Children: Educating. All Our ChildrenBringing together research, analysis, advocacy and community on behalf of the public's schoolsWelcome to Educating. All Our Children., dedicated to building an informed community of advocacy on behalf of our children and their education. The public’s schools, so vital to democracy and to children’s wellbeing, are under siege. Testing systems
Act by Friday: Will your voice be heard on Leadership Policy? | Cloaking Inequity
Act by Friday: Will your voice be heard on Leadership Policy? | Cloaking Inequity: Act by Friday: Will your voice be heard on Leadership Policy?Will the Council of Chief State School Officers ignore educational equity, inequality, race, class, gender, ability, language, special status, marginalization, and social justice? I recently received several letters from leaders in the field that are sugge
The Ongoing Struggle of Teacher Retention - The Atlantic
The Ongoing Struggle of Teacher Retention - The Atlantic: The Ongoing Struggle of Teacher RetentionGetting experienced educators to work in the highest-need schools requires more than bonus pay.Standing in front of my eighth-grade class, my heart palpitated to near-panic-attack speed as I watched second hand of the clock. Please bell—ring early, I prayed. It was my second day of teaching, and some
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Feds turn over another rock and the plot thickens
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Feds turn over another rock and the plot thickens: Feds turn over another rock and the plot thickens Today's Sun-Times story by Lauren Fitzpatrick takes us even deeper into the seamy underbelly of Chicago's pay-for-play contracting process under the current system of mayor control of public education.The most interesting part of the story for me was the way CPS pract
Why ‘WD-40′ Is Not Known As ‘WD-1′ | Taking Note
Why ‘WD-40′ Is Not Known As ‘WD-1′ | Taking Note: Why ‘WD-40′ Is Not Known As ‘WD-1′ If you’re at all like me, somewhere in your home you have at least one can of WD-40®, because the stuff works wonders. If you teach science, I believe that you ought to have a large WD-40 poster on your classroom wall. Not to advertise the product but to teach a basic lesson about learning: failure is an essential
Washington teacher walkouts continue
Washington teacher walkouts continue | Opinion - Liberal: Washington teacher walkouts continueSeattle teachers participated in a one-day walkout strike on May 19. Teaches on the eastern side of Washington state are participating today, May 21. While it is illegal for public school teachers to strike, hundreds of brave teachers, along with other school employees, will be walking off the job to dema
Chicago teachers protest expansion of charter schools | WGN-TV
Chicago teachers protest expansion of charter schools | WGN-TV: Chicago teachers protest expansion of charter schoolsThey are protesting plans for more expansion of charter schools in the city.The Board of Education will consider applications for charter renewals and or changes to existing contracts.The Chicago Teachers’ Union for years has fought hard against the existence of charter schools here
Did a School District Retaliate Against a Teacher Who Spoke Out Against a Standardized Test? | Video |
Did a School District Retaliate Against a Teacher Who Spoke Out Against a Standardized Test? | Video | Did a School District Retaliate Against a Teacher Who Spoke Out Against a Standardized Test?Christina Graham fears her contract to work at an elementary school in the district was not renewed because she spoke out against the administration last year. (Image source: WATE-TV)Some tea
Elia inherits controversy as new education chief - City & Region - The Buffalo News
Elia inherits controversy as new education chief - City & Region - The Buffalo News: Elia inherits controversy as new education chiefCuomo reform efforts, Common Core loom among issuesALBANY – New State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia brings decades of experience working in schools and a national perspective on reform efforts.The state job brings continued controversy over Common Core, a
MaryEllen Elia Approved as Néw York Commissioner of Education | Diane Ravitch's blog
MaryEllen Elia Approved as Néw York Commissioner of Education | Diane Ravitch's blog: MaryEllen Elia Approved as Néw York Commissioner of Education MaryEllen Elia, who was fired as Superintendent of Hillsborough County a few months ago, was unanimously endorsed by the Néw Yprk State Board of Regents yesterday.Valerie Strauss wrote about her selection here.She has the support of the Republican esta
BustED Pencils Trending News: Who's paying?; Common NOT Cure; Foundations Matter? | BustED Pencils
BustED Pencils Trending News: Who's paying?; Common NOT Cure; Foundations Matter? | BustED Pencils: BustED Pencils Trending News: Who’s paying?; Common NOT Cure; Foundations Matter?A private meeting being paid for by whom?So a Lobbyist and an ALEC Legislator Walk into a Bar…Caught on Tape by NBC forbid an educator spe
Why Not Commit to Win-Win School Improvement? | John Thompson
Why Not Commit to Win-Win School Improvement? | John Thompson: Why Not Commit to Win-Win School Improvement?NPR Marketplace's Amy Scott, in "The Changing Role of Advanced Placement,"explains that the number of students in North Country High School, a working class school in the Baltimore suburbs, has more than tripled in the last five years. Scott reports that students who ordinarily wou
A low level clerk gets booted for double payment to Cami Anderson’s friend | Bob Braun's Ledger
A low level clerk gets booted for double payment to Cami Anderson’s friend | Bob Braun's Ledger: A low level clerk gets booted for double payment to Cami Anderson’s friendCami Anderson, the hermit superintendent of the Newark schools, exonerated herself of any wrongdoing in the illegal giveaway of thousands of dollars to an old friend and former assistant who managed to draw checks from school di
PARCC Technical Advisor Says PARCC Is an “Evolving Enterprise” | deutsch29
PARCC Technical Advisor Says PARCC Is an “Evolving Enterprise” | deutsch29: PARCC Technical Advisor Says PARCC Is an “Evolving Enterprise”On May 5, 2015, the Colorado Board of Education (CBE) held a special meeting about the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test. The meeting included the following panel as noted on the CBE website:Dr. Lorrie Shepard, Dean, Co
Peg with Pen: My Comment on PBS NewsHour's Opt Out Coverage
Peg with Pen: My Comment on PBS NewsHour's Opt Out Coverage: My Comment on PBS NewsHour's Opt Out CoverageWilliam Brangham,Thank you for covering Opt Out tonight. I'd like to clarify a few things that I truly wish would be made known to the public. First, Opt Out has been around for quite some time. My own personal involvement began over four years ago when I founded United Opt Out National along
Perspective: Gauging impact of Gates' $100 million Hillsborough schools grant (w/video) | Tampa Bay Times
Perspective: Gauging impact of Gates' $100 million Hillsborough schools grant (w/video) | Tampa Bay Times: Perspective: Gauging impact of Gates' $100 million Hillsborough schools grant (w/video)That's why the foundation decided to try to help.Just a quarter of U.S. public high school graduates possess the skills needed to succeed academically in college. That statistic should terrify this country,
PBS News Hour Video: “What galvanized standardized testing’s opt-out movement” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
PBS News Hour Video: “What galvanized standardized testing’s opt-out movement” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: PBS News Hour Video: “What galvanized standardized testing’s opt-out movement” Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: What galvanized standardized testing’s opt-out movement is the title of a segment on tonight’s PBS News Hour.You can read the transcript here. I’ve embedded the v
Speaking on the Criminalization of Black Youth | The Jose Vilson
Speaking on the Criminalization of Black Youth | The Jose Vilson: Speaking on the Criminalization of Black YouthA few weeks ago, The New America Foundation had me and a few other luminaries (shout out to Nikole Hannah-Jones!) speak on the criminalization of Black youth in our schools. As the only classroom teacher, I felt passionately about throwing down the hammer whenever I got the mic, as you’l
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/26/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMCURMUDGUCATION: Joy, Data and Jumbo ShrimpCURMUDGUCATION: Joy, Data and Jumbo Shrimp: Joy, Data and Jumbo ShrimpSir Michael Barber is the Big Cheese of Pearson (Motto: All Your School Are Belong To Us), and he recently decided to celebrate Oxymoron Day by delivering a speech entitled "Joy and Data."While that speech spurred some twitter snark, nobody w