Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do You Think?
Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do You Think?: Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do You Think? I saw this video from Creative Evolution; it's called The Truth About School (in a two-minute video). I think that it is simplistic and probably less-than-accurate about all public education because I don't agree all schools are doing this. But I do think that our country is still stuck on ma
Education reformers have it all wrong: Accountability from above never works, great teaching always does -
Education reformers have it all wrong: Accountability from above never works, great teaching always does - Education reformers have it all wrong: Accountability from above never works, great teaching always doesCommon Core or No Child Left Behind -- reformers always try to manage change from above. It fails & hurts our kidsExcerpted from "The Allure of Order: High Hopes, Dashed
Memorial Day: public schools, standardized tests, corporate profits and American values | Reclaim Reform
Memorial Day: public schools, standardized tests, corporate profits and American values | Reclaim Reform: Memorial Day: public schools, standardized tests, corporate profits and American valuesPosted on May 24, 2015by Ken PrevitiOn Memorial Day those who sacrificed their lives for our country are honored for their sacrifices and their shared belief in American values.—————————————————————We did no
Green Dot charter schools: A cautionary tale | Seattle Education
Green Dot charter schools: A cautionary tale | Seattle Education: Green Dot charter schools: A cautionary taleGreen Dot Founder Steve Barr, who is married to TFA Founder Wendy Kopp, created a mythology about his corporate charters that persists. Green Dot Founder Steve Barr, who is married to TFA Founder Wendy Kopp, created a mythology about his corporate charters that persists.Green Dot Founder S
A Perfect Storm - | Issues around equity in education in New Orleans
New Orleans Education Equity Roundtable | Issues around equity in education in New Orleans:A Perfect Storm Special Dispatch: Lagniappe AcademiesIn March 2015, the Recovery School District of Louisiana announced that it would close a small independent charter school called Lagniappe Academy for violations in how they treated children with special needs. This video shows the parents a couple of days
International Actions To Resist Commercialization Of Education | PopularResistance.Org
International Actions To Resist Commercialization Of Education | PopularResistance.Org: International Actions To Resist Commercialization Of EducationAbove photo: Student protest at the University of Warsaw. Photo by Michał Wende.Polish Students are not Alone!The student protests at the University of Warsaw joined a larger wave of international student actions that are resisting the commercializat
Beware Grade-Level Reading and the Cult of Proficiency | the becoming radical
Beware Grade-Level Reading and the Cult of Proficiency | the becoming radical: Beware Grade-Level Reading and the Cult of Proficiency Few issues in education seem more important or more universally embraced (from so-called progressive educators to right-wing politicians such as Jeb Bush) than the need to have all children reading on grade level—specifically by thatmagical third grade:Five years ag
Russ on Reading: Putting the Student and Teacher at the Center of Reading Instruction
Russ on Reading: Putting the Student and Teacher at the Center of Reading Instruction:Putting the Student and Teacher at the Center of Reading InstructionTake a moment and look at the chart below and ask yourself, “As a teacher and/or parent which of these two approaches to learning to read would I want for my students/children?”Contrasting Approaches to Reading Instruction12Instructional Material
Jersey Jazzman: Standardized Tests: Symptoms, Not Causes
Jersey Jazzman: Standardized Tests: Symptoms, Not Causes: Standardized Tests: Symptoms, Not CausesLet's talk about tests for a bit:All standardized tests, by design, yield "normal" or bell curve distributions:You sometimes hear quanty folks say: "God loves the normal distribution." In this case, however, man is creating God in his own image, because the tests are designed to yi
Children and Literacy Be Damned | educarenow
Children and Literacy Be Damned | educarenow: Children and Literacy Be Damned Education Trust, and its Midwest component, is at it again. This Gates backed foundation just released a report pointing out that “the trajectory” of Michigan’s education system has Michigan headed to a state ranking of 44th in the country in 4th grade reading by 2030. In an article on this report, the Detroit News fai
Our K-12 Policies Resemble Those of Imperial Japan - Education Week
Our K-12 Policies Resemble Those of Imperial Japan - Education Week: Our K-12 Policies Resemble Those of Imperial JapanYear after year, students from Japan are at the top of the charts in international comparisons of student achievement, particularly in mathematics and science. In addition to their high achievement, Japanese students seem to be compliant and cooperative in school. According to a 2
Here's why today's teachers are so stressed
Here's why today's teachers are so stressed: Here's why today's teachers are so stressedAccording to a new survey from the American Federation of Teachers, today’s instructors across the nation are becoming increasingly stressed, and they’re quick to complain about unfunded mandates like the Common Core curriculum standards.The life of a schoolteacher isn’t easy. In fact, being a teacher might be
High-Stakes Testing is a Social Justice Issue | Seattle Education
High-Stakes Testing is a Social Justice Issue | Seattle Education: High-Stakes Testing is a Social Justice IssueAnd here is why.5 Reasons Why High-Stakes Testing Is a Social Justice Issueby Jon Greenberg and Gerardine CarrollFew things please parents more than learning that their children are invigorated about and engaged in their education, perhaps deconstructing the representation of womenthroug
Stop the War on Teachers and Public Schools
Steep drop in teacher education majors confirmed by SUNY Potsdam, St. Lawrence University | NorthCountryNow: Steep drop in teacher education majors confirmed by SUNY Potsdam, St. Lawrence UniversityEnrollment in teacher education programs has plunged by 30 percent at SUNY Potsdam and by two-thirds at St. Lawrence University.“Yes, we’ve certainly seen that as a national trend as well as a local tre
Great story about AFT led partnership helping support students in McDowell West Vriginia
The Charleston Gazette | Reconnecting McDowell helps students prepare for college: Reconnecting McDowell helps students prepare for collegeJOHN RABY | Associated Press photosRiver View High School students Matthew Thornsbury (left) and Hannah Barnett (second from left) and Emmilea Hatfield (right) listen to mentor Debbie Elmore of the American Federation of Teachers-West Virginia. The students are
State Takeover Local Schools is a Corporate Takeover of Local Schools
5 issues in K-12 education await lawmakers next week: 5 issues in K-12 education await lawmakers next weekSchools and their students are in for major changes if Nevada lawmakers pass several bills hanging in the balance for the last week of the 2015 legislative session, ending June 1.The state would have the power to take over low-performing local schools and hand them over to charter school opera
IPS, charter schools discuss common enrollment process | 2015-05-22 | Indianapolis Business Journal |
IPS, charter schools discuss common enrollment process | 2015-05-22 | Indianapolis Business Journal | IPS, charter schools discuss common enrollment processIndianapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lewis Ferebee said he’s had “very preliminary” conversations with city officials about creating a common enrollment process to be shared by IPS and Mayor Greg Ballard’s portfolio of charter sc
Huntington Learning Centers Keeps Sending Me ACT Score-Raising Ads | deutsch29
Huntington Learning Centers Keeps Sending Me ACT Score-Raising Ads | deutsch29: Huntington Learning Centers Keeps Sending Me ACT Score-Raising AdsOver the past two school years, I have received numerous advertisements from Huntington Learning Centers (HLC), all geared toward ACT prep, and all advertising the following “testimonial”:I just received my ACT scores a few days ago, and found I scored a
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/23/15
Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORMCURMUDGUCATION: Newark: The Civil Rights LieCURMUDGUCATION: Newark: The Civil Rights Lie: Newark: The Civil Rights LieFriday, the students of Newark took to the streets. Thousands of students. Students from many different schools within the city. They took to the steps of City Hall, and then they moved to shut down the main drag. And unlike a previous protest in