Petition from Central High: State policies hurt disabled, violate the law, cause “chaos.”

Newark’s Central High School: Facing chaos? Picture is from NPS website
MoveOn.Org has posted a petition apparently written by a courageous Newark principal, backed by an equally brave staff, that provides compelling evidence of one of the worst, most damaging, flaws of the state-imposed enrollment operation at Newark’s public schools–the assignment of special education students to schools that cannot accommodate them. The petition is available at
In a stunning letter to her superiors and others that was made part of the petition, Central High School principal Sharnee Brown explains why the so-called “One Newark” plan creates chaos by hurting students, violating the law, and demoralizing the staff.
The letter demands a return to neighborhood schools.
My efforts to contact Sharnee Brown today were unsuccessful so I cannot independently verify that she was the author of the petition–although the existence of the petition itself cannot be denied. If, as it appears, she is the author, Brown faces the wrath of an NPS administration that treats dissent with vindictiveness–principals are regularly suspended and even fired for speaking out against the state administration. As of 11 a.m. this morning (Monday), more than 100 men and women had signed the petition, many of them recognizable names in the school community. If Brown contacts me and denies she wrote the petition, I will post that denial as soon as possible.
Here is the text of the petition, followed by Brown’s letter to Cami Anderson, appointed by Gov. Chris Christie to run the Newark schools, and Brad Haggerty, the deputy superintendent in charge of Central High School:
One NJ Principal Takes a Bold Stand Against the Systematic Neglect of Special Education Students in Her Newark City Public School
To be delivered to Education Law Center, Chris Christie, Cami Anderson, Brad Haggerty, The New Jersey State House and 5 other targets (click here to see more)
Petition Statement
Like many public schools across the country, New Jersey’s Newark Public Schools are under attack by their own leadership. Many Newark students, residents, and district employees agree on state-appointed Superintendent Cami Anderson’s gross mismanagement of the city’s schools. Her policies have Petition from Central High: State policies hurt disabled, violate the law, cause “chaos.” | Bob Braun's Ledger: