Tell the schools: No PARCC for my kids

My first paid teaching job was in 1992. Except for a few brief attempts at other careers, I have been teaching ever since. I currently teach at Leominster High School. Last week I submitted a letter informing the principals of my children's schools that they will opt out of taking the PARCC exam. I suggest that if an educator is choosing to opt out his children from these tests, other parents should seriously consider doing it as well.
Why? Many reasons deserve an explanation longer than I can include in this editorial. The primary reason is rather simple, though. Those who promote, produce and inflict this test on our children claim that too many students are leaving high school unprepared to succeed in college and careers. Their solution to this dubious problem? Change the way we teach? Change the structure of schools? Change the course load? Change how students and teachers interact? Change the schedule? Change the role of teachers? Change the daily experience children have in school?
Change how much control children and parents have over their own education? Change the expectations? Change discipline policies? Change age groupings? Change how much time is devoted to coding and computer programming? Change how much time students spend outside the school building in practical internships? Change grading policies? Change homework policies? Change administrative structures? Change funding policies?
There is no discussion of changing anything in schools except the standardized tests kids are forced to take. And there is NO test -- especially a standardized, multiple-choice test -- that will demonstrate or ensure that anyone is "ready" for college or a career. If the powers that be want to better prepare our children for college and careers, then let's start talking about actually changing the system, not hiding behind a silly (and rather poorly designed) test that shows us very little about any particular student.So, no. My children will not take these tests. Because so many other parents are also taking a stand, thousands of other children around the country won't either. And neither should yours. Stand up. Be heard. Don't let this form of educational malpractice continue. Refuse the tests.
Go to or the Less Testing, More Learning Facebook page to join the effort to stop these tests.
parent and educator, Leominster High School
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