No Struggle, No Progress
A blog about politics, education, racism, and more.
- Come and join the Howie Hawkins/Brian Jones Green Party Campaign for Governor & Lt. Governor of New York State as it launches its New York City Campaign Committee.The Hawkins/ Jones campaign is building a team of activists here in NYC, looking to bring the fight to Andrew Cuomo into the Five Boroughs!This campaign is calling for progressive taxation of the rich, equitable funding and desegregation of our schools, ending the criminalization of drug use, single-payer health care for NY state, the development of green energy infrastructure, and more! Read our platform here.Now is the time to build a campaign that can give political voice to the working class communities across New York City, that can strengthen our movements and take another crucial step toward building a political party independent of corporate interests and the 1%.We need your help building this campaign across New York City — join us!(Pizza and refreshments provided. Donation encouraged.)WHENJune 12, 2014 at 6pm - 8pmWHERECUNY Grad Center
365 5th Ave
Room #5409 — sign in w/ ID at front desk
New York 10016
CONTACTJulian · julerro@gmail.comRSVP online here.