Another Nimrod of Negativity Bashes Teachers
We don't have Bloomberg to kick around anymore when the Daily News publishesanti-teacher columns like it did today. I mean does Mort still fear the wrath of Uncle Mike?
So just who is this Katharine A Stevens that wrote another ill informed hit piece against NYC teachers today?
Kathy it seems is super duper smart. She is great at telling others how to do things yet never implementing and practicing anything she spews to actually experiencing it. Like a priest who can give marriage advice, Kathy is a professional students and policy wonk who can't and won't put her money where her blue blooded money comes from.
But wait! She does have skills according to her LinkedIn page;
...the premise of a groundbreaking lawsuit now being heard in Los Angeles Supreme Court
So just who is this Katharine A Stevens that wrote another ill informed hit piece against NYC teachers today?
Kathy it seems is super duper smart. She is great at telling others how to do things yet never implementing and practicing anything she spews to actually experiencing it. Like a priest who can give marriage advice, Kathy is a professional students and policy wonk who can't and won't put her money where her blue blooded money comes from.
But wait! She does have skills according to her LinkedIn page;
Excellent written and verbal communication skills with exceptional talent for building relationships with diverse stakeholders.But let's take apart her arguments from today's article.
♦ Demonstrated ability to conduct original, relevant policy research, with special expertise in legislative and regulatory analysis.
♦ Strong entrepreneurial and project management skills.
♦ Quick learner with well-developed critical thinking skills; ability to operate effectively in complex environments.
♦ Creative, resourceful, big-picture thinker with demonstrated capacity to bridge worlds of practice, policy, and research.
♦ Fluent in Spanish.
...the premise of a groundbreaking lawsuit now being heard in Los Angeles Supreme Court