Perdido Street School:
Perdido Street School Week

College For All Once Again Exposed As Myth
The NY Times shows what's happened to the "American Dream" since 1989 - even for the college-educated:YOUNG families are better educated than ever before, but they are earning lower real incomes. The Federal Reserve Board’s newly released 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances indicates that the median family headed by someone under 35 years of age earned $35,509 in 2013 dollars. Adjusted for
Financial Genius Mayor Bloomberg Costs NYC Taxpayers $60 Million Extra On WTC Contract
Let us imagine Mayor de Blasio pulled some criminal act like this: In a deal worked out by ex-Mayor Bloomberg, taxpayers will pay nearly $60 million extra to move a city agency seven blocks into expensive office space at Four World Trade Center, a Daily News investigation has found. Back in 2008, Bloomberg signed off on an agreement to move the Human Resources Administration from its longtime head
Anti-Teacher Tenure Lawsuit In New York Starts Off Like A Circus
The Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal:Justice Philip Minardo in Richmond County Supreme Court agreed Thursday to merge two lawsuits seeking to challenge state tenure laws.The state attorney general's office had filed a motion to consolidate the two cases on grounds the issues were so similar, and the United Federation of Teachers had asked to intervene as a defendant.The court granted both request
SEP 11
Cuomo Still Thinks He's Running For President
Neo-liberal real estate magnate Mort Zuckerman has given Governor Andrew M. Cuomo space in his New York Daily News to wax hawkish about 9/11 today.Here's some: Security never comes from denial; security comes from recognizing reality and taking action. We may have pulled our troops out of Iraq and be drawing them down in Afghanistan, but the war against global terrorism is far from over. It’s sim
De Blasio Caves To Charter School Sector
If there was ever a time when Mayor de Blasio could tell Governor Cuomo to go @#$% himself, this is the time.Cuomo needed de Blasio's help in securing the Working Families Party ballot line last May, something that was very important to Cuomo since the woman who might have gotten that line had de Blasio not helped Cuomo out - Zephry Teachout - took 34% of the vote away from Cuomo in the Democratic
SEP 10
Tim Wu: De Blasio Is Big Reason A Conservative Will be Elected Lieutenant Governor
From Daily Politics: Tim Wu, whose insurgent challenge to Andrew Cuomo's political machine fell short in Tuesday's primary, says he is furious at fellow progressive Mayor de Blasio. “There was an effort to elect a progressive to the lieutenant governor office, and the greatest impediment to that was the Mayor Bill de Blasio,” Wu said in an interview Wednesday morning after he and running mate Zeph
Cuomo Will Be Governor But He Will No Longer Be King
Matt Stoller on what the primary results mean for Cuomo:Andrew Cuomo will be Governor, but his career is over. Cuomo will win in November. He will govern for another four years, or until he is indicted. But he will not hold another elected office, because he has proven himself a very good machine boss but a very bad candidate. The level of petty vindictiveness reflects a brilliant man who simply c
SEP 09
Cuomo Wins Primary, Loses Overall War
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo beat Zephyr Teachout in the Democratic Primary today but managed to lose the political war in the bargain.Cuomo, with a war chest of over $35 million dollars, with widespread union and political machine support, with campaign ads running and campaign mail filling mail boxes, should have beaten the underfunded Teachout by a wide margin.Instead, Cuomo won the primary with a
Chief Counsel To Andrew Cuomo, Tied Up In Moreland Mess, Resigns
From the Wall Street Journal:One of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's longest-serving senior aides, Mylan Denerstein, will leave her post with the administration on Friday, a spokeswoman for the governor's office confirmed Tuesday.Ms. Denerstein, who has worked as counsel to the governor since he took office, will depart for a job in the private sector, the spokeswoman, Melissa DeRosa, said. Ms. DeRosa
What's Wrong With Andrew Cuomo?
There is no better emblem of what's wrong with Andrew Cuomo then this past weekend's exhibition of petulance, arrogance and hubris at the Labor Day Parade.His opponent in the Democratic Primary, Zephyr Teachout, attempted to say hello to him at the parade.Cuomo, who has never once uttered her name in public, did everything he could to make believe like he didn't see her (see pictures below.)First,
SEP 08
Randi Weingarten Robocalls For Andrew Cuomo's Pro-Gun, Anti-Immigrants' Rights Running Mate
From Daily Politcs:Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, has done a last-minute robocall for former Buffalo-area Rep. Kathleen Hochul, Gov. Cuomo's preferred lieutenant governor candidate.Weingarten's call comes a day before the primary between Hochul and insurgent liberal Democratic candidate Tim Wu, a Columbia law professor. Political insiders say Wu has a shot at p
Cuomo, Worried About Primary, Increases Campaign Ad Buys
Will Brunelle at Capital NY:Governor Andrew Cuomo has purchased a reminder to Democratic voters about Tuesday's primary, in the form of $850,000 in broadcast television ads, according to F.C.C. filings reviewed by Capital. The latest buy, running from Sept. 1 until the close of polls on Tuesday, September 9, is part of the most significant ad campaign Cuomo has run since late July, and is more tha
Cuomo, De Blasio Threaten To Derail Pet Projects Of Any Democrats Who Endorse Teachout/Wu
Fred Dicker in today's Post:Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio used threats and intimidation in recent days to block prominent Democrats from backing leftist law professors Zephyr Teachout and her running mate, Tim Wu, in Tuesday’s primary, party insiders have told The Post. The largely successful pressure has been especially intense to stop endorsements for Wu, who is given a real chance of defeating
Tell Your Colleagues: Vote Teachout/Wu On Tuesday September 9th
We have two more days to try and get as many Democrats to vote for Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu in tomorrow's Democratic Primary.Try and talk to as many people at school today and tomorrow as you can about Teachout/Wu.Introduce those who don't know much about Teachout and Wu with this from the Teachout/Wu website:My name is Zephyr Teachout, and I am a constitutional law professor and organizer. I am
SEP 07
Andrew Cuomo Snub Of Opponent Zephyr Teachout At Parade Goes Viral
And now the rest of America gets to see what an arrogant little man-child our governor is.Here's Politico's coverage of the Cuomo/De Blasio snub of Teachout New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo greeted participants in New York City’s Labor Day Parade on Saturday, but one person didn’t get a warm welcome: his primary opponent.A video posted on shows Zephyr Teachout, who is challenging Cuomo i
SEP 06
Cuomo, Hochul, De Blasio Are All Class
Watch Governor Cuomo, Representative Kathy Hochul and Mayor Bill de Blasio all ignore Cuomo's Democratic Primary opponent Zephyr Teachout as she tries to say hello at today's Labor Day Parade:Lots of people have hammered Cuomo and Hochul on Twitter over this classless exhibition. Let's add Bill de Blasio to anvil for some hammering.He's as classless as Cuomo and Hochul.What the hell, shake her han
Cuomo's Weakened Stature Gets The Politico Treatment
The Politico article, Andrew Cuomo's Progressive Blues, that went up this morning and got prominent placement on the Politico website, is not going to make Andrew Cuomo or his campaign happy.The takeaway: Andrew Cuomo's political stature is diminished and his future as both governor and presidential candidate are limited.Even more interestingly, de Blasio is depicted as Cuomo's political savior th