Ed Notes Online

GODSPELL OMG, Frank Caiati Works a Miracle
I am not big on Jesus stuff - except maybe how his Bar Mitzvah went. But being part of the set-building team, a set designed by Director Frank Caiati, I saw the evolution and some early rehearsals and knew Frank's unique vision of GODSPELL would blow people away. And the boy has done it, including breaking the 4th wall, with the audience playing a role. Here is a comment from someone in the show o
NYSUT Update: New Organizers Will Not Be Unionized
We find it deeply disturbing that a majority of the staff currently employed by NYSUT in the legislative department are classified as managers and are not allowed to join a union.....This is coming from some upstate NYSUT people. Remember - Unity Caucus in NYC controls much of NYSUT in NYState which controls the national AFT. Until the Unity machine breaks here in NYC there can be no real changes
Ravitch Blog: Success Charter Chain Built on Pile of Shit
It is implausible to assume that Success Academy accomplishes magic in the early grades and then barely manages to hold ground in upper grades. In fact, this is another piece of evidence suggesting that Success Academy amounts to little more than an accounting trick.... The New York Daily News published an opinion piece written by what they termed “a researcher” and a “graduate student” that used
SEP 11
We coddle bad cops, vilify good teachers - Salon.com
We defer to cops even when they kill, and scapegoat schools for the ills America has given up on. This must change ---Paul RosenbergIn my inept manner, I've been trying to make this point. Teachers: Wear Blue Handcuffs on Tuesday to Suppor...Thanks to Vera for coming to my rescue: Vera Pavone: Why there must be accountability for ...And thanks to Michael Fiorillo for sending this heavy duty (and
SEP 10
Newark Students Come up BIG! Where was the union?
The kids were heroes yesterday... Bob BraunWho would you rather be: Newark or Chicago? Who has the better strategy: Joe Del Grosso, or Karen Lewis? ... Jersey Jazzman I haven't been writing about the situation in Newark for some time. The students have taken action as reported by Bob Braun followed by comments by Jersey Jazzman. One political point here. Social justice unionism includes students i
So this is the core of MORE organizing this upcoming year -- forming local groups at the district level that will meet during the week after school. I view these meetings as more important than the MORE monthly meetings where too many people try to outdo each other in telling everyone how anti-racist they are. I go to the monthlies for the post-meeting happy hours. Local Educator Supportby more
Norm Does Something Right in Hot Yoga
After 15 years I did something well enough, Anita Ruderman took my photo doing Camel. Actually, now that I look it is not really right, but I'll take it.By this time I've already lost about 5 pounds. Don't worry, they were back a few hours later.
Godspell Opens This Friday in Rockaway
With a great cast, including many of your NYC teacher colleagues. Also a great set designed by Director (and NYC teacher) Frank Ciaiti. Below the graphic is my recent piece in The Wave which focused on the cast.
Tribune poll: Lewis ahead of Emanuel in Chicago mayoral race
Oh, the joy - for now. The hit jobs on Karen by the media will be be intense. But with Rahmbo being such an a-hole there is hope.Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is losing the support of voters, according to a new Chicago Tribune poll.A poll of 800 registered voters found that the mayor’s approval rating has taken a dive.Two years ago it was 52 percent. That didn’t change much last year, but now it’s on
SEP 08
Chicago Teachers Union and CORE - A Rational Social Justice Union and Caucus
Just about every group and grouplet in the USA has hijacked what we are doing in Chicago. We decided NOT to participate in the Ferguson activities, in part because some of our members are spouses of police officers, and the Ferguson activities have become anti-police.... Member, CORE steering committee CORE (Caucus of Rank and File Educators) votes not to address a resolution on Ferguson. At a rec
SEP 06
Jews and Social Justice
Pre-eminent among Jewish values in his mind, he said, is the call to do justice...Reform Judaism, which is the largest denomination in American Judaism, has a long tradition of social justice and activism, but it can be a challenge to convince many liberal, modern Jews of the need to live out those values in a Jewish context.... NY Times: A Rabbi’s Departure Manifests a Challenge for Jews in Ameri
"Brother" Ernie Logan Throws UFT Chapter Under the Bus
When a UFT official called the CSA (principals union) our "union brothers and sisters" all I had to say is that justbecause the concentration camp guards have a union doesn't make them my brothers.... John Elfrank-Dana, CL Bergraum HSWell Ernie Logan in this article scapegoats our chapter for Bergtraum's problems. You can read my response in the comments.http://nymag.com/daily/intelligen
Cornel West Calls Al Sharpton the "Bonafide House Negro of the Obama Plantation"
West and his co-host Tavis Smiley both lamented that black leadership has become “so sold-out” so as not to have the courage to be a “bull in the china shop,” break rank, and talk about “racism, poverty, and militarism” at an otherwise “bought-out” event.The Princeton professor also believes Martin Luther King Jr. would have been disappointed by the March on Washington anniversary speeches.http://
He Wasn't Marchin' Anymore - How Al Sharpton Was Bought By Bloomberg
The march that Sharpton called was clearly in response to what happened in Staten Island and that's why it was held there. It was called even before the events in Missouri. Why were none of these marches called by Sharpton and his cronies during the Bloomberg era - especially with all of the stuff going on with stop and frisk? The person who calls for a march or demo is always an important questio
Malcolm X on The March on Washington
Who ever heard of angry revolutionists swinging their bare feet together with their oppressor in lily-pad park pools, with gospels and guitars and "I Have A Dream" speeches? And the black masses in America were--and still are--having a nightmare.... Malcolm X on the March on Washington, 1964 From The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: Ballantine Books, 1964. 278-281. Not long a