The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education:
THE WHOLE WEEK @ The Whole Child Blog

How Did You Reflect and Recharge This Summer?
Summer for educators is often a time to look back on the past year—and look forward to the coming one. What worked, what didn't, and what will you change? Educating the whole child and planning for comprehensive, sustainable school improvement requires us to be "whole educators" who take the time to recharge, reflect, and reinvigorate. Last summer the Whole Child Podcast highlighted educ
AUG 07
Are You Ready to Go Digital?
How many kids are going to check out a whole set of encyclopedias? With digital, they do it every day, without a second thought. But digital curriculum is not just about a bigger backpack or cramming more content into a smaller container, explained education innovator Hall Davidson in his 2014 ASCD Annual Conference session, "The New Book as the Old Backpack: The Unintended Consequences of Di
AUG 05
Homework in a Flipped Classroom
ASCD author Aaron Sams explains how flipped classrooms use class time to practice and apply skills learned during prerecorded lectures. Homework becomes classwork, and lectures and other content traditionally presented during class time are viewed outside of class, at home, on a personal device, or in a school-based resource room. Copyright 2010 by TechSmith In the excerpt "Does Flipping Yo
AUG 01
Leading and Learning as a Principal
Post written by Ashley Allen, a master's student in communication management with an emphasis on marketing at the University of Southern California. She received her bachelor's degree from San Jose State University last spring and hopes to use her writing skills to make a difference. Teacher and principal job satisfaction is down, but Bill Sterrett, an education leadership professor, started off h
JUL 31
A Letter to My New Principal
Welcome to our school. I have been here for a few years so I wanted to be the first to officially greet you. I am excited to learn more about you and your leadership style. I can imagine that you'd like for me to be to work on time, have prepared lessons and execute them in a personalized manner for my students. I know you expect me to have my attendance done accurately daily and to respond to par