Diagramming Sentences and the Art of Misguided Nostalgia
Having been a serious competitive and recreational cyclist (not “biker”) for all but a handful of years over three decades, I cringe and must bite my tongue every time people refer to their bicycle “seat” (it is a “saddle”). During those years committed to cycling, I have also become well acquainted with the history of the professional sport and a fairly accomplished bicycle mechanic. I can take a
Truthout: The Gates Foundation Education Reform Hype Machine and Bizarre Inequality Theory, Adam Bessie and Dan Carino
The Gates Foundation Education Reform Hype Machine and Bizarre Inequality Theory, Adam Bessie and Dan Carino
Howard Zinn: “education cannot be neutral on the critical issues of our time”
24 August 1922—Howard Zinn was born. His life and career spanned the twentieth century and into the first decade of the twenty-first. It is his memoir, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times, for me, that speaks to the enduring power of Zinn’s metaphor, particularly for teachers. Historically and currently, teacher remain under the demand that their teaching—and ev
8-23-14 the becoming radical EMPATHYEDUCATES! | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
THE BECOMING RADICALEMPATHYEDUCATES!the becoming radical A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by Complicit: On Facing the Mirror Before Casting Stones“Let me begin,” admits George J. Sefa Dei in “‘We Cannot Be Color-Blind': Race, Antiracism, and the Subversion of Dominant Thinking,” “by making clear that I see myself as fully complicit in the discussion that I undertake in this chapter” (p. 25). As