Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog:
Schooling in the Ownership Society
Schooling in the Ownership Society
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk
Schooling in the Ownership Society

Catherine Sugrue's Credentials
Ald. O'ConnorThe big story in Chicago is all about Catherine Sugrue, the sister of Ald. Patrick O'Connor, being appointed by schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett as principal of a north side elementary school. This even after Sugrue had failed the principal eligibility assessment twice in the last 12 months, making her ineligible for the job.O'Connor, is Rahm Emanuel's point person in the council. He'
LOLLAPALOOZA: Rahm rides his Texas connection
Chicago's biggest and priciest teeny-bopper rock festival jumps off this weekend. Thousands of mainly white, suburban kids are getting dropped off by parents in Grant Park, which is now surrounded by full length "NATO riot fences" to ease mom and dad's minds about the other (if you know what I mean). Many have paid the $250 needed for a 3-day pass (drugs not included) to hear favorites l
JUL 31
The politics of water and schooling in Detroit
A SMALL VICTORY -- Ongoing protests against Detroit's massive water shut-off to the city's poorest have forced a restructuring in the city's already bankrupt government. The so-called Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr has handed over control of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) to elected mayor, Mike Duggan.Jason Stanley writes in yesterday's New York Times:Orr’s actions are a result of s
JUL 30
What's not to love about Chicago politics?
When I think of Chicago politics, one word comes to mind, family. I think of a guy like Joe Berrios, the chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party, reaching out to help 15 of his relatives including sister Carmen , not only land a job with the county but collect on her disability claim after she “tripped on a floor outlet and landed on the floor,” and injured her foot, umm I mean shoulder.IF I
JUL 29
Moral Monday yesterday in Durham
Moral Monday yesterday in downtown DurhamThe Moral Monday movement is spreading across N.C. this summer as part of the NAACP’s “Moral Freedom Summer” initiative to get out the vote for fall elections. The focus of the multi-racial weekly protests is the attack on voting rights by the Republican legislature. Thousands have also turned out to protest school re-segregation, attacks on union rights, a
JUL 28
Weekend Quotables
"I am the decider, and you have nothing to do with it.” -- Christie to Mayor BarakaKristen Crowell“Certainly, it is our opinion that the current leadership is not doing enough to take care of our folks." United Working Families will focus on “finding, recruiting and supporting candidates who are going to be with us.” -- Chicago Teachers Union, progressives form new Chicago coalitionInqui
NCRP calls for investigation of the Bremer Foundation
One of the philanthropic players on the Minn. charter school and public health scenes is the Otto Bremer Foundation. Among it's charter school recipients is the scandalized Higher Ground Academy.But it turns out that the foundation's trustees, while donating to many worthwhile causes, may have been helping themselves along with the privately-run charters. The watchdog group NCRP is now asking the
JUL 24
Griffin's divorce. Think of it as a stock split.
The GriffinsSORRY TO HEAR THE NEWS (No really) that right-wing billionaire power couple, Ken and Ann Griffin are splitting up. Whatever happened to "'til death do us part"?The Griffins have been the money bags behind both Bruce Rauner's and Rahm Emanuel's political ascendency. They have also bankrolled much of Chicago's union-busting and corporate-style school reform policies.For this to