Imagination- A Poem for Michael Brown
I can only imaginewhat its like to bewatchedfearedseen as a threatwhen i walkwhen i drivewhen i go to schoolNever knowingwhen i will bestoppedsearchedthrown on the groundor when words thatI sayand gestures that Imakecan lead to mydeath
Us VS Them- A Guest Post on the Larger Implications of Ferguson by Dr Lori Martin
The systematic killing of people of color provides the best evidence that many Americans have been wrong about racism all along. For far too long racism has been understood as an illness, a sickness, or a disease, that older and uneducated individuals come down with because they are ignorant, ill-informed, resistant to change, or are mere products of their racially segregated environments. Racism
8-12-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Ferguson Missouri- Face of a Nation Where Poverty Has Moved to the Suburbs
With A Brooklyn Accent: Ferguson Missouri- Face of a Nation Where Poverty Has Moved to the SuburbsFegruson Missouri, where the police killing of an unarmed young Black man sparked rioting yesterday, represents the demographic contours of a society changed by gentrification and demographic inversion.. There are now more poor people living in suburbs than there are in inner city neighborhoods. In Ne