Advanced Learning Task Forces' Recommendations
Advanced Learning Task ForcesReport & Recommendations August 2014The Advanced Learning Task Forces met for more than 50 hours during the 2013-2014 school year to studyidentification and service delivery models for Highly Capable students. They found that many aspects of our Highly Capable/Accelerated Progress Program work well and do not require changes. The task forces believ
Seattle Landmarks Board Votes to Hit Pause on Wilson-Pacific
From Indian Country Today media network:Plans to demolish a public school with strong ties to Seattle’s Native community have been sent back to the drawing board.The Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board voted 7-1 on July 16 to designate Wilson-Pacific School a city landmark. That prevents Seattle Public Schools officials from proceeding with plans to demolish the school so a new school can be buil
Tuesday Open Thread
A bit of dark place I find myself in. Robin Williams, a giant talent who I saw twice live in San Francisco (and once in a little bookstore), killed himself. Very sad.Then there's the essay by Joe Williams of DFER who says that "Suburbs Hold Key to Resolving Democratic Party's Tensions over School Choice."It's hard to know which is worse - the idea that the "school choice" is
8-11-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Charters - The Gift that Keeps on GivingThere's almost something humorous about charter stories today. They come faster and faster; stars who start charters that fail, financial scandals, and promises made and then broken.What's the funny part? Well, the supporters of 1240 said "we have a lot to learn from charters." I would agree and in more ways than